Urgent - please object

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paul dave your welcome to send each other copies of the documents i aquired. but i got to have them back asap.

or post them to acelot but quick i will need them returned ......fast

could you scan them and send them out in block form................ ??
urgent please object

hi just recieved e mail confermation of my e mail being read.
see below

Your message

To: Clive Williams
Subject: Sarn Helen Roman Road
Sent: Mon, 6 Jul 2009 21:24:24 +0100

was read on Tue, 7 Jul 2009 10:34:42 +0100

urgent please object

urgent please object

hi just looked on corc site sarn helen has now had 31 hits lets hope some get involved.
urgent please object

hi lacroupade.
C.O.R.C is a Derbyshire based off road club .
Quite a few members of nissan 4x4 are also members of corc .
Cameraman (andy) was n.f.m.o.c. rights of way officer.
He started the green lane trips around Derbyshire.
He got me started ,then I took over running the lane days,when he left.
Doodlebug and others are the founding members of corc.
mainly Land Rover but other makes welcome.
Have a look click the link.
if you join tell then you are a member of nissan 4x4.

One Boss site......................

visit it, go on, you know you want to.............................


ok, another Boss site...............


visit and read, you'll be glad you did.

Now is the winter of our discontent.......... yes I know it's summer, wet but that's the uk for you, but the winter's coming....... any I digress :)

Can I encourge everyone to spend just a few minutes thinking of something they can do to keep our lanes open, if you have a car or bike/quad/cycle that you use on the rights of way, consider putting something back in whatever way suits you.
Write an email or letter,
find a lane which needs a little cutting back,
join a group who research lanes,
buy a digger and join CRAG or GLASS.............. (only joking about the digger bit, a spade will do!)

So in this time of holidays, traffic jams and potential sunshine, take time to think about the winter that's approaching, and I'm not just talking weather here,
Right, metaphor milked to death...........
I've just had a most miserable day at my council's various departments:augie
I went along all nice like to "view" the Definative Map.
Well I did eventualy get to see it, bit of a white glove moment:eek:
It's circa 1950 and falling to bits and er "useless" according to the nice map lady!
I explained I wanted to checkout some routes for offraoding.
I might as well have been talking martian. "Not here mate", go and see those chaps in Highways, they're the ones that know if the roads open"
So off to Highways, closed for lunch, sometime later, "Not here mate , you have to have a definate map for that! We're not allowed it, you need to go to the council planing dept"
WHAT says I:doh
Off to planing, sometime later, "No mate, no off roading here"
Anyway after many happy hours in the world of "Jobs Worth", I now understand this:
Ceredigion (and other councils) want every chuffin' lane shut,end of!
There are now 8km left avail in Ceredigion, however some of those are already closed!
Unclassified roads are in dispute every day so you need to check each route each week.
As regards maintaining a track or route , they said NO WAY. To do with liability and precdents etc.
There was one very small glimmer of hope though, it's called the Cambrian Mountain pilot project. They are looking into joining up a few of the remaining routes with new ones and changing some bridle ways etc. Trouble is it involves a steering comittee and endless groups arguing over SSI s etc.All funding permitting too:doh
Anyway dont hold your breath on the mendy mendy approach for now.:eek:
Checkout "PLANWEB" see if that makes any sense to you boffin types. I've tried but the officious sods reckon we're nuclear fall out so I'm not going there again:(
which brings me back to the bridge on the sarn.............................

you fix and they screw you

they have just put a cycle route through our village linked to the sarn
you can guess why......

i still say if your quiet and try to be nice. it dont work

the remblers association didnt mend and do nice things. they kicked farmers fencing down and damaged hedges etc. but they got heard

good or bad publicity is still publicity and it will or should get the ones interested all together and focused on one thing saving our lanes

if someone came in your house killed your dog and stole your telly.you put up a fight................. you dont go and install it for them in there house and connect it up

these people are steeling your rights of access. are you going to fight them or just roll over

being nice os a load of bollocks

and for one thing if walters does get the sarn closed they will need lots of policing at the wales wrc rally.

and i wouldnt want to be a driver on that one
m8, I thank you for your patience, the council is run in the best way to cause as much as buggerance as possible to those by not in the 'club'.
The council is mistaken tho in it's assertion that voluntary works don't and can't happen.
In the precurser legislation to the NERCA, there was an inclusion that local authorities have to be inclusive and use volunteer labour if at all possible.

I think you were given the run around there, the cambrian pilot is a project designed to keep RoW users at arms length, all talk and no action. I spent around 2 months bugging the hell out of denbigh until they started to talk to me, its about relationship, the best person is your local rights of way officer, they should have one, get to know them, its the only way to get into the system............. it does work but takes years I'm sad to say.......

But cheers and thank you for today........
I'll take cakes next time then :augie
I also asked about signage for those of us trying to go straight:eek:
They've done one or two lanes they were having "Trouble with". I asked why not show us the last 8km you DO have then? That way people would know where they can go! Well that was far to easy and brushed aside because they may too be closed next week!
It all seems back to front to me:nenau
For example today they had sent out their county landrover to check some lane or other:augie er hello, RAIN!
Well what do you know , they couldn't get there:doh
Never mind he had a nice Friday morning away from the office:eek:
I could do that job, go on give us a job, I could do that..............................
hmmmmmmmmm cakes, mmm cherry buns :naughty
the miners never got good publicity

nor the newbury bypass
nor the poll tax roiters
nor the farther for justice

if you protest you will never get good publicity.......... but you will get heard
as harold said in 1066..................

point taken!