upgrade ?

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Mar 11, 2010
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as I switched my lappy on this morning I was offered a free upgrade to windows 10 , opinions please ....... should I ?
That is probably only to Register for the free upgrade later in the year.

I had used the earlier Beta releases and it is very good in my opinion. even tho i use a MAC i actually like it.
i got that as well,so registered for it when its available and will be downloaded auto to laptop for installing when i want to.hey if its free why not.
hey if its free why not.

Because microsoft's track record for OS working well when they first come out are not the greatest :lol

I've not looked into 10 at all so can't comment if it's any good but we will be upgrading one PC at work in the near future for testing.
Yep, it's only to register your interest. Win 10 out at the end of July, but you have a year to make your mind up if you want it or not. I have said yes on one laptop, if all goes well I will upgrade to Win 10 on my desktop and the wife's laptop.
yes it is only to register , but it says its normally £99 ..... I was just asking if anyone knew anything about it , good or bad and whether I should register my interest for the free upgrade ?........ thanks for the comments so far :thumb2
I've registered for it, it's free!:lol

You can download it, then save it, then install when you want it.:thumb2

I'm going to wait until I read good feedback about it, then possibly install it.:nenau