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Yup, it's a lovely easy one to add to the success statistics for the cops isn't it?

Add one convicted speeder/motoring offence to the stats,

much easier (as said above) than spending all those resources catching scumbags who rob old people or terrorise neighbourhoods.

Let's all drive at 30mph (and pay tax x3 for the privilege) while mini gangsters (probably on benefits) shoot and otherwise terrorise their way through housing estates, that seems fair - not.

Ohhhh, too right wing, sorry! Must relax, relax, reeelllaaxxx and breathe... lol
LMFAO he doesnt need a better solicior he needs to give his head a very hard shake. If he isnt bright enough to realise the traffic slows anyway when the cameras there he is a pratt.

Chuck it at him but not for obstruction..................... being a cock :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
LMFAO he doesnt need a better solicior he needs to give his head a very hard shake. If he isnt bright enough to realise the traffic slows anyway when the cameras there he is a pratt.

Chuck it at him but not for obstruction..................... being a cock :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

ouch! you don't want to be saying that LOL:augie:lol
Chuck it at him but not for obstruction..................... being a cock :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
So it is stealth tax then :p
What is wrong with say flashing your lights to warn of a horse having a wander?
Or perhaps, some jolly council types changing the leaves in the drains without proper signs up?
OOH, what about, look out chap there's been an accident back there, slow down?
Surely all the above would be kind and generous driver warnings of a hazard ahead, would they not?
BLOODY BIG IF speed cameras are to keep us safe by being placed in accident black spots, then logically those spots must be er dangerous:augie and so worthy of warning.
I haven't read the blurb about the the ray gun involved, but if it was a big white van then yes any driver not seeing it or the slowing traffic, gets it (I know)
If it was plod in the hedge well that's a hazard:eek:
a very interesting post, but what can be done about it, nothing as usual, we will take on the chin, they wouldn't put up with it would they??
:doh viva le france,
So it is stealth tax then :p
What is wrong with say flashing your lights to warn of a horse having a wander?
Or perhaps, some jolly council types changing the leaves in the drains without proper signs up?
OOH, what about, look out chap there's been an accident back there, slow down?
Surely all the above would be kind and generous driver warnings of a hazard ahead, would they not?
BLOODY BIG IF speed cameras are to keep us safe by being placed in accident black spots, then logically those spots must be er dangerous:augie and so worthy of warning.
I haven't read the blurb about the the ray gun involved, but if it was a big white van then yes any driver not seeing it or the slowing traffic, gets it (I know)
If it was plod in the hedge well that's a hazard:eek:

Get real :rolleyes:, the sole intention of that pratt was almost certainly to warn people of the speed trap (you know Im not a fan of them) with THE INTENTION OF AVOIDING PROSECUTION thats an offence black and white. The CPS and the magistrates must have been pissing themselves laughing at such a weak defence. His solicitor must have gone and spent the easiest money he's earned with pleasure.:lol:lol:lol:lol

Now if he wants to throw himself into the arms of a willing prosecution service by being thick let him go for it, just dont whinge afterwards. Now the rest of the traffic, having been there I can state with some experience if you speeds you takes your chance. Its not as theyre new on the road side.

Look at it another way, all these pratts flashing lights all the time totally devalue the potential of using them to indicate a real hazard.

By that i mean you go through a mental list , i it my mate or someone who thinks it is flashing......errr no

is it a speed trap............well I'm not speeding anyway so no

so tell you what, I'll ignore it .....................oops ive just ran down the drain cleaner.

Or alternatively you could just slap all on and cause an incident every time you saw a flashing light :lol

If you did slow down every time someone flashed their lights youd never get anywhere :doh

Lmfao (genuinely) at everyone defending this pratt. I'll bet most of those who support him also think they have "automatic authority orange flashing parking lights" they use regularly that put a protective halo around them :lol

Public service my arse, he's as immoral as the bloody cameras he's taken on :lol:lol:lol
Nothing new in this type of conviction motorists have been posecuted before for warning motorists about speed traps.

To be honest my view is that we should avoid warning motorists about such police activity as it defeats the object of catching unobservant or dangerous drivers and there are plenty around just look at all those School rum Mums with a handheld mobile clamped to their heads.

If you drive over the speed limit and your road observations are so poor you cannot see a Huge White Police Camera Van or a PC with a handheld speedgun wearing a flourescent jacket then are you likely to spot a young child who might run into the road ?

Isn't being a good driver all about control - 10% car control - 90 % self control ?

I have been driving for 45 years and presently drive around 40K miles a year between work & pleasure. I have never been done for speeding and have had one caution during the fuel crisis in 1974 for exceeding the 50 mph limit on a dual carriageway where the normal limit was 70 mph. It would be unrealistic of me to say I never exceed the speed limit but when I have I crank up my road observation to suit.

As I have grown older and a little wiser I have avoided exceeding the 30 & 40 limits not to avoid getting some penalty points but to avoid seriously injuring or killing another road user.

Can you imagine what it must be like to live with the consequences of being involved in a serious injury road collision with the knowledge that the outcome might have been different if you were not speeding ?

Sadly some drivers do not have enough grey matter between their ears to ever realise what they have done or might do.

Dont mean to preach just need to have my say.


well said and I'd like to add the flasher in question falls heavily into the category Ive highlighted. He just doesnt get the bigger picture.

i'm lost, if your not speeding when you hit the trap it's not an ofence, so how are you evading anything?

And wouldn't the fact that he was driving a lorry have blocked other road users view of the ray gun?

aren't these things supossed to be 'transparent' now? hence the orange stickers on all the fixed cameras?

so basically it's now illegal to flash your lights at another motorist? and in teh high way cod does it not tell us to [basically] take no notice of people flashing their lights?

so if the other drivers who were speeding (and apparently there weren't any who were, none visible anyway) slowed down becasue he flashed, then they are at fault not him? at least equaly guilty if nothing else?

It would be worth having a pol, how many of us have commited this offence -I have, i admit it. Slap the cuffs on :bow

In mitigation i had no idea it was an offence, though i know ignorance is no defence - and i'm still not convinced that it is.
i often flash my lights , or hazards to warn other motorists of a impending hazard ahead , be it standing traffic , or a accident , or anything i consider a danger to other motorists ........ is that a offence too ? ..... i thought it was being courteous to other road users , but i stand to be corrected
i often flash my lights , or hazards to warn other motorists of a impending hazard ahead , be it standing traffic , or a accident , or anything i consider a danger to other motorists ........ is that a offence too ? ..... i thought it was being courteous to other road users , but i stand to be corrected

no that is absolutely the correct use, notification of a hazard , horse in the road, rtc etc etc:thumb2

however if challenged you must be able to explain why you perceive it as a hazard. Unfortunately Mr Not2bright of Grimsby used one of the oldest cliched tired non starter going :lol:lol:lol
hmmm, lights and flashing.

about 10 years ago I was on the way to a family holiday in cornwall with my wife (ex now) who was heavily pregnant with my son and had my three year old daughter in the child seat in the back. Someone coming the other way flashed their lights which distracted the driver behind me who then hit the back of my stationary Frontera at a police estimated 80mph causing a seven car pileup all because an idiot (who was never found) flashed his lights.

after hours in the hospital praying everything was ok it was. so we carried on with our holiday, but my kids could have been killed all because of someone distracting other drivers by flashing his lights.

I am not the best driver in the world but the only time I would flash someone is in a carpark these days.

if someone coming the other way is going too fast and gets caught by a camera, then tuff luck on them :D
hmmm, lights and flashing.

about 10 years ago I was on the way to a family holiday in cornwall with my wife (ex now) who was heavily pregnant with my son and had my three year old daughter in the child seat in the back. Someone coming the other way flashed their lights which distracted the driver behind me who then hit the back of my stationary Frontera at a police estimated 80mph causing a seven car pileup all because an idiot (who was never found) flashed his lights.

after hours in the hospital praying everything was ok it was. so we carried on with our holiday, but my kids could have been killed all because of someone distracting other drivers by flashing his lights.

I am not the best driver in the world but the only time I would flash someone is in a carpark these days.

if someone coming the other way is going too fast and gets caught by a camera, then tuff luck on them :D

in my humble opinion that accident was not caused by someone flashing his lights , it was probably caused by the driver driving too fast and too close not paying attention to traffic around him/her ...... glad you where ok tho
i'm lost, if your not speeding when you hit the trap it's not an ofence, so how are you evading anything?

He was found guilty of willful obstruction. Wasnt "evading" anything :thumb2

aren't these things supossed to be 'transparent' now? hence the orange stickers on all the fixed cameras?

Yes so anyone as pointed out elswhere who couldnt see them without the help of the Grimsby flasher really does need sticking on.

so if the other drivers who were speeding (and apparently there weren't any who were, none visible anyway) slowed down becasue he flashed, then they are at fault not him? at least equaly guilty if nothing else?

Yes but unfortunately that would be impossible to prove whereas the Grimsby flasher threw himself into the prosecutors arms with a sneaky little observed flash , a cough that he did it and a pathetic defence.

It would be worth having a pol, how many of us have commited this offence -I have, i admit it. Slap the cuffs on :bow

Used to , havent for years, self preservation. Check out some blameworthy collision rulings :thumb2
in my humble opinion that accident was not caused by someone flashing his lights

the driver was going too fast but admitted to the police that he was looking at the flashing lights on the other car when he crashed into me :doh
In mitigation i had no idea it was an offence, though i know ignorance is no defence - and i'm still not convinced that it is.

explained pretty well here http://www.decisiondrivinguk.com/flashingheadlights.htm

Well reasoned and I maybe agree with his "I'm here" interpretation, ie narrowing down the definition of a hazard


The highway code gives the basis for driving standards. Generally breaching that guidance takes you into the realms of statute :thumb2
And another thing !!

Now I know you can use statistics and do with them what you will but in round figures in 1973 motorists (including themselves) killed about 7,500 people a year by 2009 that number had fallen to about 2000.

Not all of it is down to better roads & cars or speed cameras - some of it is advances in medical science that badly injured folk have survived.

The murder figure from crime is harder to pin down due to many pleas for manslaughter being accepted but it used to be around the 7,000 per annum mark and has not changed hugely though the conviction rate is pretty good at aroud the 90 % mark.

If its your son / daughter / wife / husband / father / mother /etc thats been killed its not much comfort if its a car thats been responsible or a criminal robbing them that has caused the death but its easier to prevent a death on the road than it is a crime of greed or passion so banging on about anti social behaviour or burglary being a greater priority cuts no ice with me.

I have been burgled and had my car damaged but would sooner see enforcement of traffic regulations as the odds are that we would survive the effects of being burgled again but not of some loon driving too fast round our estate.

There I feel better for that little rant. My pet hate at the moment people texting and using a mobile phone that is not hand free whilst driving. To be honest even hands free use is far from safe judging by my own driving !
Mind you one point..............

The Grimsby Flasher was wasting his time anyway.

A large proportion of drivers cant see a large high viz battenburg marked car with alternating flashing headlamps, blue roof lights, grill and rear red and blue strobes.

So anyone stupid enough to miss the traffic slowing as it does by speed traps is highly unlikely to ave seen him.
hmmm, lights and flashing.

about 10 years ago I was on the way to a family holiday in cornwall with my wife (ex now) who was heavily pregnant with my son and had my three year old daughter in the child seat in the back. Someone coming the other way flashed their lights which distracted the driver behind me who then hit the back of my stationary Frontera at a police estimated 80mph causing a seven car pileup all because an idiot (who was never found) flashed his lights.

after hours in the hospital praying everything was ok it was. so we carried on with our holiday, but my kids could have been killed all because of someone distracting other drivers by flashing his lights.

I am not the best driver in the world but the only time I would flash someone is in a carpark these days.

if someone coming the other way is going too fast and gets caught by a camera, then tuff luck on them :D

now here i do know you would have been on the a30 from the m5 unless you was on an A road

was you parked or were you in traffic ?