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Aug 30, 2008
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Hay willow

can we book out turkeys for NEXT year please...

im sure yours will be better that Mr Tescos...

i realy ecpect this post to be pulled....
Yep no probs

Bit of a long way yo travel to get a good turkey though Zippy or do you want me to cook it too :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
i find it a bit stereo typical that you come from norfolk and breed turkeys.
boooootiful realy boootiful :lol: :lol:
mind you i used to have a pet potbellied pig.didn,t eat him though.he moved to an animal sanctuary in sheffield as he started to get a bit violent around the kids.
Yes but my turkeys are not bernard Matthews !!! 8O
But free range norfolk blacks and bronze :smile:
Used to have over 30 turkeys once, my dad plucked them all in 2 days he got a rash the doctor had never seen anything like before :lol:
not bernards

Yes but my turkeys are not bernard Matthews !!!
as i said a bit stereo typical :lol: :lol:
i used to work with a guy from norfolk who worked for mr matthews when he was young and he said the conditions that he kept his birds in were awful(don't know about his turkeys :lol: :lol: :lol: )
sorry couldn't resist :smile:
willow said:
Yep no probs

Bit of a long way yo travel to get a good turkey though Zippy or do you want me to cook it too :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

sure, then bring it to us... still hot,

:lol: :lol:
can you keep turkeys and chickens together? my other brirds are semi free range / barn range an bit of a mix as i'm not allways around to keep letting them into and out of the run, but they do have a lot of space per bird and do get a variety of foodstuffs daily including access to fresh grass clover etc. would turkeys harm my little bantams?

How old are they when you kill them for meat and what are best for meat hens or the male ones :lol:
You can keep them with chickens, Im sure you know bantoms can look after themselfs.

As for age or sex im not sure havent had them since I was young.
Ok Plank
1. yes you can keep turkeys with chickens BUT..
You MUST worm both on a 4 month rota Turkeys can pick up black head from chicken worms.
You may have heard that you should never keep them together and this is why.

My turkeys are quite funny and like to chase anything that runs so if your bantams are the flighty sort they will chase them. I Have never seen my turkeys hurt my chickens.

Both male and female make good table birds and are ready around 20-28 weeks of age.

Hope that helps :smile:
it certainly does help thanks everyone and particularly willow, I worm the chickens monthly with that herbal stuff sothat you dont have to withrdraw the eggs, so that part of things should be OK.
Plank You need to use fluebenvet
You get it from your vet.
Its the only thing that covers all spectrum of worm.
If your just running turkeys with your chickens for a short time your herbie remedy my well be ok But if you only have a limited space and you are going to keep the turkeys longer than a few months then you need Fluebenvet.
:smile: :wink:
I see, It is more of a thought than a reality at the moment, and I would only keep a few (maybe half a dozen) so it may even be worth seperating them, as I have a few buildings I could use.

I have to find some for sale at the right time as well, maybe i could russtle a few :lol: :wink:
Dont you dare :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well when your ready let me know
I may be able to help
Nice to give somthing back :wink:
cheers willow, I will just have to ban the kids from naming them or I will have them unitl they are old and grey :lol:

a silly question but how are turkeys at laying eggs and are they tasty?
Turkeys lay eggs very well for a short period
Usually between april and august my Bronze hens laid 1 a day each for this time. One hid them so I let her hatch them off. They were a great succses last year hence loads of christmas turkeys.
The eggs are just like chickens just bigger :lol: They taste great. :lol: :wink:
Willow I have cheked into nthe flubenvet wormer today, they stock it at TFM (telford farm machinery) as they stock all kinds of live stock medication and it is apporx £15.16 for a 240 g tub at 2.5 cocentration (as oposed to the 1% for home pultry keepers) Everyone recons you dont need to withdraw the eggs when using this and they are OK to both hatch and eat, do you agree? I may start using this for my chickens anyway.