Transmission model

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Active member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hi I hane a 1994 Nissan minstral auto. Would I be correct in saying the model number for the auto box is re4r01a.
do not know mate the mistral was an import, Briggie may know or be able to find out, are you having problems? Rick
the mistral is indeed a import , not sure of the gearbox code , but as we found out rick there are slight differences in gearing between the euro medols and the jap model gearboxes ...... not sure if the model code is the same tho , but i believe they are jatco gearboxes .
Where would the best place to buy solonoids and valves etc. thanks
Where would the best place to buy solonoids and valves etc. thanks

i have no idea as i think they are discontinued ( i may be wrong though ) ..... apart from trying Nissan :eek:....... i think your only other choice is a gearbox specialist or a breakers yard ........ good luck in your search my friend .:thumb2
Thank you. I typed in jatco auto parts in Google and Sussex jatco parts came up. Give them a phone the mora
Thank you. I typed in jatco auto parts in Google and Sussex jatco parts came up. Give them a phone the mora

jatco stands for Japanese auto transmission company , if im not mistaken , so I would be surprised to find a stockist of parts in the uk ..... but you never know I guess ...... could be a very usefull find though :thumb2
Jatco did not know what box I have but do have parts for the re4r01a. Anyway it has been confirmed that the gearbox for the Nissan minstral is re4r01a. I found out by phoning around and I spoke to a lady and she was brilliant, she knew her stuff.
Right I know what box I have also where to get parts. Now all I've got to do is find out how to get diagnostic read out on this first before I put it in to any garage. As I mite be able to fix it my self.
Know the company, paid them a visit some time ago looking for an oil seal for Auto box, most helpful, clearly knew their stuff and simply said how many felt a bit sheepish when I said one, but had a chat for a while and yes a company to be relied upon, most impressed, Rick
Coming out of lock on the torque convertor as mentioned in another post:thumb2

I had the same it was the control unit - i was told it was electronic and it did not show any fault codes.

The control module on mine was behind the rear driver side quarter panel by the third row seats
