I've gone up in the world a bit. About 30mm actually.
Adjusted the front suspension torsion bars.
Still a bit to go to be exactly same as rear wheel to arch clearance. Might tweak it a bit more---thinking about that :?: : Should these clearances be the same ?---any advice welcome.
The stance looks much better and the handling has improved, especially in the cornering department. Braking seems slightly better too; don't understand that---unless the back brake control device now works better with the front up a touch. Perhaps I just imagine it.
Must remember to check headlight beams, they were OK before but might be too high now . MOT due next week :roll:
Adjusted the front suspension torsion bars.
Still a bit to go to be exactly same as rear wheel to arch clearance. Might tweak it a bit more---thinking about that :?: : Should these clearances be the same ?---any advice welcome.
The stance looks much better and the handling has improved, especially in the cornering department. Braking seems slightly better too; don't understand that---unless the back brake control device now works better with the front up a touch. Perhaps I just imagine it.
Must remember to check headlight beams, they were OK before but might be too high now . MOT due next week :roll: