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could prove very popular this is a subject i have looked into rather by accident . but let me assure you ladies from aisia and middle easy do actually wear bra's and even thongs. just because they are sometimes fully covered dont mean they dont have clothes like the rest of us

my question is are any of the things mentioned really suitable for such a sensitive location .

and can i just say AGAIN these sort of threads while we let them run . they are lots of bloody hard work to monitor and moderate . the last few took 3 whole evenings of very close watching (BY ME) just to keep them open and not censor or stop people having a chat about such stuff .

but if its going to be every couple of nights some of this comes up . then your spoil it for yourselves . and i'll be closing them . cos i really have fun stuff that i want to do .,. rather than baby sit this crap

no one has answered my question yet.
could prove very popular this is a subject i have looked into rather by accident . but let me assure you ladies from aisia and middle easy do actually wear bra's and even thongs. just because they are sometimes fully covered dont mean they dont have clothes like the rest of us

Meant to ask yesterday.....................

Please explain further :augie:confused:
my question is are any of the things mentioned really suitable for such a sensitive location .

Dark or "innapropriate" humour (note the use of " " )of any sort is often used as a defence mechanism when things are tough and usually in a private environment. Is anyone feeling under pressure through attending a major incident and is this truly private ?????

What happens though is those who dont see or understand the deeper meaning or use of such comments look for the straightforward slapstick humour and depending on their slant on life find it. They then feel the need to bring it to everyones attention in that context alone.

Thats not to say any of that applies here, it may but I cant say so.

Then in the public domain where comments are floating around someone comes along who takes offence. If they can explain why they find it offensive then effectively it is. The model to follow here is the racist legislation.

However the caveat is we're all allegedly grown ups and is the member who feels offended (as opposed to clearly defined legislation) the authority ?

Its all a balancing act. All opposing points on the seesaw and see which end wins. I would suggest one reason the revolutionaries feel hard done by is because quite rightly legislation weighs heavily against them. On this occasion they may feel the law is an ass but its an ass theyve created.

This is a massive grey area which has been debated elsewhere without conclusion so we arent going to sort it here and hence laws have evolved to tell us whats what, nothing to do with Orwells 1984 or big brother watching its because its had to be settled elsewhere by other means, ie statutory instruments.

To answer your question Col, if race is involved in the joke and someone clearly finds it racist and says so then for the purpose of publishing it on is. Therfore its inappropriate. Publishing in the jokes section does not negate the need to play things right. If that were the case we'd have a "post what you want here because its not racist, sexist or defamatory" section and we'd all be fine.

One far more important point to consider though is the reputation of the site. You lknow how an old situation led to one 4x4 group being known as bullies and thugs? well do we want to be known as the racists ?????

No clear answer but I would say if you post it or read it and think ooooo....thats a bit close to the knuckle, it probably is
Meant to say, Im in the middle. I'm really not bothered about this joke. I can see the point its making but I dont think its particularly funny. Thats why I hadnt commented so far.

Doesn't offend me but I can easily see how it would offend some.

If I was guiding the mods finger I would probably delete it.

Like a lot of topics nowt to do with 4x4s but most subjects that arent are of general interest. This isnt really, just look at the low proportion of site visitors who've taken the time to comment..
take away anything close to knuckle ,theyd be nowt left in jokes section lol. pictures of female linespeople with henry hoovers etc could upset people who have dysons and be classed as biased to wards on supermarket chain!
Got to be honest, that joke wouldn't be out of place on Frankie Boyles show. I have read it a dozen times and I don't think theres anything in there that would get near a court of law in a million years.

In fact I'm not actually aware of anyone ever having been prosecuted for a so-called racist joke (which this isn't, its pretty much religious as opposed to racial). Feel free to correct me of course!

And how long is it that we were all laughing at Love Thy Neighbour, Bernard Manning, Jim Davidson etc...

I mean if Trevor can get away with this?......
Found this during my research. No comment, I just larfed.....I mean what WAS she doing there?


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chubbys got it all sorted!
No sound on my PC atm, but that bloke on her right looks downright offended, in fact he looks like he's about to sh*t himself.
I think the issue here is 'the thing end of the wedge' and i don't think for humor's sake, but for the forums sake, we ought to try and steer clear from racist comments, threads and jokes.

The original joke, is just that a joke, but from that people try to draw some actual questions about whether or not a mosque should be 'allowed', because some people - who happened to be Muslims - carried out a terrible act. Do we pull down all the churches close to the house of a Christian murderer? NO!

The joke also shows a naivety toward the American constitution and internal politics, and the relationship that it has to organised religion. The question is this - if the Mosque passes all the plannig rules etc. why not?
who is talking about racism, your just as likely to bring it up to cause trouble like you did last week, IT WAS POSTED IN JOKES,HUMOUR AND FUN. ffs:doh

This has to be one of the few places in Britain, (apart from an EDL meeting, see i can do humor) where racist stuff is fine, and complaining about it is 'causing trouble.'

I am not causing trouble! posting this stuff in the first place is doing that :doh

You have to see these things in context, and in the light of recent 'racist troubles' i think it is inapropriate.

lets make a deal, lay of with the racist postings, and i'll lay off commenting about them!
easy way to kills omeones freedom of speech....just call them racist and bump they datre not say another word for fear of bein ostracsized (or however you spell it).
do you realy believe the founders of this mosque would let any of those things happen,no yet the americans will alow them to build there mosque for fear of being labbeled racist. and like the man said mosque = religion not race so no racist comments anywhere !
easy way to kills omeones freedom of speech....just call them racist and bump they datre not say another word for fear of bein ostracsized (or however you spell it).

Not at all. Action cannot be taken on opinions alone. They must be evidenced.

If the evidence is there to support those opinions "in all probability" or "beyond reasonable doubt" whoever posted them has a problem.

One very strong the reason we have these laws as I tried to explain earlier, is the very bigots and half wits who whinge about them caused them by not shutting up. They continued whinging on with extreme comments that crossed the border of the middle ground or grey area of what is acceptable or not.

If those numpties had shut up and let common decency and tolerance rule there would not have been any need at all for prescriptive legislation.

simples, you reap what you sow.
and the mosque in question is totally fictitious of course.

And if we are talking religion (oh lets!?) then christian fundamentalism is a much bigger problem in the USA than Islam I'd say.

And heres a good example of why the internet can be such a load of crap. While looking for the dead opposite of the word secular, I found this on WikiAnswers

* Secular means of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations. Therefore the opposite to this has to be spiritual i.e concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church. The peoples of the world today are basically secular.

* The opposite of secular is "theocratic". It means a form of government by God or through a priestly order e.g: France or Pakistan.

The bits in red are ummm......:nenau
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