Three Mobile Phones

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Had some brill prices quoted by three, BUT the ruddy signal ooot here in da west was er, er, crap, I say , crap:eek:
Shame though cause good deals. They were good enough to take the phone back and cancel contract though:thumbs
Hey ho, orange it is then:cool:
my son has had nothing but trouble with his 3 phone always loosing signal, he has gone back to vodafone. :thumb2
Biggest bag of crap out there..
Had them for all of 2 months, used the phone all of 2 hours... If it wasn't raining, sun shining, sunny, dull, foggy.. :doh
Did I mention they are CRAP..
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I've got a three skype phone and find it excellent. Had a an early 3 3G phone a few years back when they were very much reliant on T moinle iIRCfor infrastructure but they have many f their own masts now. Back then it was good and is now too up here anyway. I use mine mainly tomake free skype calls which rely on the 3G signal and can drive around with no drop outs at all, frequently on there for 1hr+ whilst driving, chatting to my olds in Ireland or one of the guys form GLASS for free - the skype phone is great in that respect if you know people who use the system. Am thinking of getting a 3 monile internet dongle as theres seems the best package.

As and extra recomndation as you know who I mean Jim. Lee and co at LAM have the 3 skypephones too.
Ive got the 3 mobile broadband dongle and only once could i not get a signal and that was in Somerset. I also have a Vodaphone mobile Dongle and that is rubbish, my mate has a BT mobile dongle and thats average.My wife has a Tesco phone and seems to get a signal where i cant with my Vodaphone phone. Hope this helps
Hi Guys thanks for the replies. I've looking at changing phones for a while now, I've got an out dated contract with Voda. My current phone is a Nokia 6230 with proper Nokia Cardle kits in both cars, the phone has been fine but well over due for a renewal but can't find a phone I like. I've seen 3 offering a Nokia E63 with free internet, free texts, free skype and not sure if it was 200 or 300 minutes for £18 a month. So three looks interesting but not sure about coverage problems that people are suffering. On the plus side I could talk to Simon for free:thumbs or order a new ham rig with a free call:lol

Jim T
On the plus side I could talk to Simon for free:thumbs or order a new ham rig with a free call:lol

Cosmic and many of the borders 4x4 lot use skype on a night to have a big social conference call.

I use the skype instant messaging quite a lot when I'm out and about, sure you can text message but it starts to get expensive and confusing using SMS if you've got mutliple people involved in the conversation that way.

As far as I am aware 3 are the only providers who don't count skype as part of your data package (subject to fair use etc etc), because of course you can run sype, yahoo, MSN etc on any mobile phone running windows mobile (probably other OS's too), but it might start to cost.
my daughter had 3 until recently and we could never call her or her call us, she is on o2 withe the rest of us now, i never loose signal and of course free o2 to o2 calls :thumbs
Best place to check out a new phone (NOT PROVIDER/CONTRACT)
is a site called GSMARENA . Google it. You can then do your phone search and THEN go about getting a decent contract.
If you order your phone/contract on line with Three and the signal is crap you can cancel in the first week.:D
Another thing you can do is to unlock the phone and have a spare dim for another network incase you need when in dodgey signal areas.
Hiya been with three network last 4.5 years and had a dongle over a year like any network you will have problems depending on where you are the dongle needs a lot stronger sig than a phone Been in places with caravan got a sig for dongle were other people have not and 100 yds apart from them :thumbs
I had a Three contract. The services they provide look good on paper, in reality, they are not very good at all. 3G, which is what they are all about, is the worst signal in my opinion. The call centre is foreign, and very, VERY hard to deal with! stay clear.
3G, which is what they are all about, is the worst signal in my opinion.

3G is just a tecnology and yes it is probably more vulnerable to outside interference etc but its also te fatsed availabe and currently the only way to do mobile broadband, all the providers use it, so you can't blame the technology.
3G is just a tecnology and yes it is probably more vulnerable to outside interference etc but its also te fatsed availabe and currently the only way to do mobile broadband, all the providers use it, so you can't blame the technology.

not blaming the technology am I? When Three came about, they were one of the first in Europe to utilise the 3G network, so their phones really pushed for it, point being they still arent very good with it, for example I am now with Orange, and I get a better coverage of 3G than i did with Three, even with the same handset, its coverage I am on about, and I have found so far that Three is the worst, 02 being the best, followed by Orange.
i agree with Clivy in my own experience o2 has the best coverage and 3 the worst, i allways have a signal with o2 and wouldn't use anything else.
Hmmmm, I think you must be in a good signal area :augie
I was going to get an O2 deal cause their b/band package was the cheapest. O2 told me they wouldn't give me a contract cause the signal isn't here yet:eek:
It's about time you could get some sort of signal tester for us that live in the sticks:D
You not been to west wales then:lol
My brother's on O2 and he swaps to vodafone when he's up here working:eek:
Wales is all west :lol

anyway, even costal norht and south wales i have never lost signal, my family were up near Phwelli (have i spelt it right?) a couple of weks back all on o2, i was at home (well in various locations in fields in the midlands) and none of us had any issues with reception at all.
Wales is all west :lol

anyway, even costal norht and south wales i have never lost signal, my family were up near Phwelli (have i spelt it right?) a couple of weks back all on o2, i was at home (well in various locations in fields in the midlands) and none of us had any issues with reception at all.

i think it's spelt, wellies, :lol:naughty