Thermostat housing broke

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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With the AA now, he can’t get one of the bolts out, all help welcome.
No doubt it will be the very long one.
Use a T bar wrench to get equal pressure and avoid shearing it off.
Plenty of penetrating oil and work it back and fourth and it should come out no drama.
Thanks for your help, he’s given up on removing it and tried to temporarily seal it with metal putty and instant gasket.
AA mans gone, he went wild with the instant gasket, it looks a right mess. And has not worked. Luckily I made it home before calling them. And I am covered to get them to tow it to my favoured garage once I have spoken to them to make sure it’s ok to get it brought over.

Atleast it was nothing major and should be an easy fix. Just wish he had not covered the thermostat inside and out with instant gasket.
No doubt it will be the very long one.
Use a T bar wrench to get equal pressure and avoid shearing it off.
Plenty of penetrating oil and work it back and fourth and it should come out no drama.

It was the long bolt, it came out so far then would not come out any more. It just span with an inch or two of unthreaded section visible above the housing. Tried wiggling it but there was no movement. He tried levering it while turning the bolt, it stayed where it was and just span. He has bolted it back down so I don’t know why it did not come all the way out.
if you could see the threads then it was just stuck in the stat housing, removing the other two and the stat housing would have been off, AA never were the best, Rick
Couldn’t see any threads but it was out a quite a way. It will hopefully be off to a garage tomorrow. Just another expense I could have done with out. I am glad it was just the housing and nothing more substantial as I would have to have thought hard about scrapping it.
I replaced my Thermostat housing on my 2004 from a plastic one to a metal one :naughty

I know the longer bolt that you are referring to but didn't have any issues with mine :nenau

How and what does it get stuck on, on the way out?
Can not see the cause of why it does not come out :nenau The lorry has just came and picked it up. I spoke to the garage who said they had a lot on so will be several days before they can even look at it. Fingers crossed they can sort it.
Sorry misread your post but same still applies if the bolt had unscrewed and cleared the threads then it is simply corrosion on the bore of the Ali it is going through, squirt some WD or similar into the job and work it up and down, it will come out, when putting it back together use plenty of copper slip, Rick
good old copper slip,old school,i always used it on all bolts much to the suppriesd younger chaps as they usually dont bother.but down the line my bolts came out lol.
good old copper slip,old school,i always used it on all bolts much to the suppriesd younger chaps as they usually dont bother.but down the line my bolts came out lol.

Preventive maintenance is a thing of the past with some of the younger generation. :doh
Thanks, I have not heard from the garage, hopefully they will get it done sometime next week.