the bit in what car about transmissions is over stated.
I was warned off mavericks and terranos by a friendly
mechanic, based on gear box issues.
yet been in the marque 7 years now, a t2 then a patrol
yuck and back to t2 and met hundreds of owners through
this club and other forums.
in that that only 2 cases of swapping the 'box spring to
mind. the biggest issue is misunder standing of the auto
hubs, but then many trucks have them too.
worth noting a t2 has a max tow weight of 2800kg vs
the 3500kg of a patrol or land rover product, but hey
2800kg is a good load.
my favourite anidote is couple of years back the caravan
clubs green flag unit may day bought a couple of t2s to
loan to members, should their vehicles be disabled whilst
out on holiday with tin tents. this shows their ability with
any uk caravan and their flexibility as 7 seat estate car
and dont foget the 2.7 is a legend, was use in the london
taxi cabs, practically bullet proof, perhaps not as refinded
as some but easy to work on and cheaper to maintain,
much cheaper as I found than the 3.0 patrol.....