Finally got around to taking some photos of the bit's i took of my old 2.7 TDi SWB Terrano 2 before selling.
Would prefer buyer to pickup as its easier for me (if i'm honest) - but could post at cost by a courier like P4D etc. So postage on top of prices below.
Trail master +50mm rear lift springs - less than 1000 miles. The black is just underseal overspray that will come off with white spirit. Purchased from Jimnybits and they retail at £147. The difference with these over using LWB springs is that these are actually longer, but keep the same spring rate as the originals. This means the ride stays comfortable rather than being rock hard due to the heavier rate LWB ones.
Looking for £75
Rough Country +2 lift N2.0 shocks. They are a special order from Rough Country to be exactly +2's. Their up/down travel is perfectly matched with the +50mm springs and even with no rear ARB didn't allow a spring dislocation on full extension. These had about 600 miles on them as i fitted the springs first then went for the shocks later. Retail was about £100.
Looking for £50
K&N filter. Had about 600 miles on it.
Looking for £30
Tow bar
As picture - offers around £20 (i think this would need to be pickup only as its V heavy.
(i'm near J16 M4)
Would prefer buyer to pickup as its easier for me (if i'm honest) - but could post at cost by a courier like P4D etc. So postage on top of prices below.
Trail master +50mm rear lift springs - less than 1000 miles. The black is just underseal overspray that will come off with white spirit. Purchased from Jimnybits and they retail at £147. The difference with these over using LWB springs is that these are actually longer, but keep the same spring rate as the originals. This means the ride stays comfortable rather than being rock hard due to the heavier rate LWB ones.
Looking for £75
Rough Country +2 lift N2.0 shocks. They are a special order from Rough Country to be exactly +2's. Their up/down travel is perfectly matched with the +50mm springs and even with no rear ARB didn't allow a spring dislocation on full extension. These had about 600 miles on them as i fitted the springs first then went for the shocks later. Retail was about £100.
Looking for £50
K&N filter. Had about 600 miles on it.
Looking for £30
Tow bar
As picture - offers around £20 (i think this would need to be pickup only as its V heavy.
(i'm near J16 M4)