new on site and newish to the nissan, used my nissan yesterday, worked fine went to take my huskies out at night and it wouldnt start:doh, too dark to do anything but sounded like fuel starvation, notice petrol gauge stuck on half way even when ignition off and keys out (i know there is fuel in there) fuel gauge up to this point has always worked fine, had a look today, checked relays and fuses, all working fine, no noise from fuel pump ie on ignition it makes no noise so therefore think it is the fuel pump, any advice welcome cant seem to find a fuel pump anywhere for it but car auto suplies suggested a fuel pump repair kit, what i want to know is will the repair kit at £100 fix it or has anyone out there got one,
thanks in advance
new on site and newish to the nissan, used my nissan yesterday, worked fine went to take my huskies out at night and it wouldnt start:doh, too dark to do anything but sounded like fuel starvation, notice petrol gauge stuck on half way even when ignition off and keys out (i know there is fuel in there) fuel gauge up to this point has always worked fine, had a look today, checked relays and fuses, all working fine, no noise from fuel pump ie on ignition it makes no noise so therefore think it is the fuel pump, any advice welcome cant seem to find a fuel pump anywhere for it but car auto suplies suggested a fuel pump repair kit, what i want to know is will the repair kit at £100 fix it or has anyone out there got one,
thanks in advance