tdi gearbox input shaft

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Mar 19, 2014
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hi I am new here where can I get a new gearbox input shaft for a 2000 terrano 2 tdi :thumb2
Hello and welcome. I am sure one of the guys breaking Terranos will answer soon
cut it with grinder lol:lol not to bad just a nick but don't want to put it all back then have problems later seen ones on ebay for td not tdi
cut it with grinder lol:lol not to bad just a nick but don't want to put it all back then have problems later seen ones on ebay for td not tdi

what the hell you doing with an angle grinder in there, anyway yes I have a TDi box with layshaft rattle, it is still on the motor so lots work to get it out, you realise it is a complete gearbox strip to get the 1st motion shaft out, Rick
Sounds like what would happen if you left me in charge with an angle grinder :lol

Wow ! I think we have changed Alex's ways...
He's even insulting himself before we get chance to!

Where's the fun in that...:nenau

Now re the nick, do you have a pic, it might not be that bad, if it is in line with the shaft like a key way, might be ok, but if on the edge, could create a point where a crack could start, and then shear.
Depends how deep.

Most of the force on it is torque, ie rotational, with no side or bending force.