td27 into a navara

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here are the elec driven air actuator type thingy's
here are the hoses running from them, some go to egr and inlet valves.
here is the inlet manifold (can this hole unit come off?)
here's the two solenoids on my fuel pump, can i wire them straight to a 12 ignition wire?
one is the shiney one the other has green cap on.

thanks timbo
Award for the dodgy photo award goes to you!! lol

Have you got this motor running yet? What stage are you at in the swap??

The throttle body in the photo presumably is off the TD25?? We can see the throttle valve and the EGR control diaphragm.

Injection pump- the shiney unit is the stop solonoid, and the other one looks like it could be the cold start advance solonoid, or an idle-up, but it's difficult to see from the photo.

Stop sol- +12v ignition feed.
Advance sol- +12v during cranking ONLY.
thanks for the solenoid answer. i thought that was how it was, will wire them in accordingly. no, have not done anything on it yet as i have been really busy. cant do it in the dark as i have no light around the garage and no elec to put a lamp on, doh!
the picture of the inlet is from the td27, the top inlet is just about showing the sensor i mentioned. i checked the inlet from the td25, and it is a straight fit with the bonus of the brackets for the charge cooler. i only need to make a bracket on the exhaust side and it will be secure.
so can i remove the complete unit from the inlet and fit just a piece of pipe?
can i remove the elec operated actuators completely, or can i stuff a rivet in the end of the ones going to inlet and egr?
i will have it running by the weekend finish though. i just want to get the info first, and do it once. i hate wasting my time as i don't have alot spare these days.
Basically, you need to leave the solonoid valves connected electrically to be safe and not upset the ecu, but you can remove all the vac hoses.

Connect the temp sensor at the thermo housing.

Blank the vac source off wherever it is picked up. Brake servo hose?

Leave the throttle pot connected electrically but not actually on the inj pump.

Blank the EGR valve or the supply pipe with a tin plate- i see a photo of the supply pump in another thread. Either swap the throttle body for one with no butterfly, or remove the butterfly from the shaft. Clean out the manifold of all that crap !!

Install the intercooler etc.

Tell / show us a better picture of the inj pump so we can determine the 2nd connection. Does the vehicle have a/c ??

You may then have to tweak the boost / fuelling etc to get it running nicely.
right, got it running today, just wired the stop solenoid to the battery and it works. don't have my multimeter in this county, so will have to find a 12v ignition feed at a later date. removed the butterfly from the shaft in inlet manifold, put screws in the vac hose to egr and the butterfly one too. replaced the inlet manifold with my old navara one, put zorst back on for now. put rad back in, oil,water.... forgot to connect the o/p from the alternator and flattened my battery. oh well. the intercooler wont fit though as the outlet from turbo is mush longer, and angled so it points about half way under intercooler. so now my old inlet is on, it wont mate to the old turbo hose either. oh the woes!
i need a 12v ignition feed
i need a long hose to connect inlet manifold to turbo outlet
re-connect alternator o/p's to the alternator
that is it for now. should get some time tomorrow too.
just a question, but do the td27 lumps have a maf sensor? seen a thread which leads me to believe they do, however it would be nice to have a yes/no answer on this as fuel economy will be better for me if it needs one and i dont have one.
The TD27T with entirely mechanical fuel injection, and NO intercooler have no electronics controlling fuelling. End of story.

The TD27Ti is drive by wire and does indeed have a (much maligned) MAF, and ECU.
so, i put the original inlet back on this arbo, as the turbo outlet would not fit on the i/c inlet.shame, would be ideal to keep it looking factory. what intercoolers are good value, and how pants are the oem zorsts?
i think the viscous coupler is stiff when cold, so thet is probably trout.. good that the other one will fit.
thought about cutting the outlet of the turbo back to where it is straight, or clock the compressor housing. but on looking at clocking it, it would be a pain making new oil lines blah blah blah.
will get it all working right then i will cut it down to suit me thinks.
just need to do some floor work bolting up the driveshafts, g/box x-member and sort out the damp inside after 4 mnths of nothing, then will move it and leave it running for a bit to see what happens... should be finished next w/end
so, i put the original inlet back on this arbo, as the turbo outlet would not fit on the i/c inlet.shame, would be ideal to keep it looking factory. what intercoolers are good value, and how pants are the oem zorsts?
i think the viscous coupler is stiff when cold, so thet is probably trout.. good that the other one will fit.
thought about cutting the outlet of the turbo back to where it is straight, or clock the compressor housing. but on looking at clocking it, it would be a pain making new oil lines blah blah blah.
will get it all working right then i will cut it down to suit me thinks.
just need to do some floor work bolting up the driveshafts, g/box x-member and sort out the damp inside after 4 mnths of nothing, then will move it and leave it running for a bit to see what happens... should be finished next w/end

We're impressed Richard, nice one.:thumb2