Firstly apologies if this isn’t posted in the correct section :doh & if it is then I’m amazed as not very good at this forum stuff, normally have to pin the kids down to ask them!
but I’m the only one stupid enough in our house that has to get up at this time of morning! :stupid
My question is :question
Does anyone have any ideas as to why my tail lights have stopped working please?? Everything worked as it should then my ‘darling horse’ (& Yes was also my stupid fault for parking in the middle of the yard!) decided to have a fit & kicked out & kicked my poor Tellullha! (My Nissan Terrano II) Yes I nearly cried!
he did only catch the spare wheel but managed to slightly pushback in the dent that hubby had pushed out not even 2 weeks before hand as a ‘very nice person’ (polite description as not allowed to swear) obviously didn’t see a big Silver 4x4 when she was reversing in her BMW X5 & reversed into me :doh while I was parked in a parking space in Tesco’s!:banghead
Then about a week llater (I know 5 days after horse incident they still worked as followed hubby home while he was driving her & where fine then) my son noticed they where ya working when I was leaving early one morning & haven’t worked since!
Brake lights, fog lights, front lights etc etc all work as they should but the rear lights now don’t! Hubby has done the ‘simple bits’ (his words not mine
) like check fuses, bulbs & had a quick look at the wiring when he pushed the dent out AGAIN! But couldn’t see anything obvious wrong!
I’ve done a little research online & most people are suggesting wiring if not bulbs & fuses etc but I would of thought (baring in mind I know NOTHING about anything to do with cars/4x4’s/trucks/electrics etc) that if it was wiring that was at fault it would of been an issue pretty much instantly????? As I go up & down a really really bumpy farm track that’s about 1 mike long at least twice a day (so approximately 4 miles a day on the track) so if it was wiring that had become lose or damaged it would of stopped the lights working pretty much straight away?????? As I say Just my opinion
And he keeps saying ‘I’ll see what people say on the internet later, check the owners manual etc etc just take my van!
& I’ll sort it later! I HATE driving his van & miss my Terrano so decided if I can find out from you lovely lot some potential faults I’m hoping he may take a look sooner rather than later! :thumbs
Any advice greatly received please & thank you in advance xxx
My question is :question
Does anyone have any ideas as to why my tail lights have stopped working please?? Everything worked as it should then my ‘darling horse’ (& Yes was also my stupid fault for parking in the middle of the yard!) decided to have a fit & kicked out & kicked my poor Tellullha! (My Nissan Terrano II) Yes I nearly cried!
Then about a week llater (I know 5 days after horse incident they still worked as followed hubby home while he was driving her & where fine then) my son noticed they where ya working when I was leaving early one morning & haven’t worked since!
Brake lights, fog lights, front lights etc etc all work as they should but the rear lights now don’t! Hubby has done the ‘simple bits’ (his words not mine
I’ve done a little research online & most people are suggesting wiring if not bulbs & fuses etc but I would of thought (baring in mind I know NOTHING about anything to do with cars/4x4’s/trucks/electrics etc) that if it was wiring that was at fault it would of been an issue pretty much instantly????? As I go up & down a really really bumpy farm track that’s about 1 mike long at least twice a day (so approximately 4 miles a day on the track) so if it was wiring that had become lose or damaged it would of stopped the lights working pretty much straight away?????? As I say Just my opinion
And he keeps saying ‘I’ll see what people say on the internet later, check the owners manual etc etc just take my van!
Any advice greatly received please & thank you in advance xxx
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