Rick - I have just got a head worn magnifier/led as I can't see the joints well enough to solder. Do you mean every joint behind the LCD display or every joint on the board?
You can normally see a poor solder joint, it will look like a small dark circle around the component or connector leg, where the solder joins it.
Sometimes the solder looks a matt colour, instead of shiny.
Sometimes using a small terminal screwdriver on the component legs can be enough to see the leg move.
If you do solder all the joints as a precaution, check for small solder whisks that can short out two pins.
Make sure you use resin cored solder, ie with flux already in the solder.
If you have a solder sucker, that will be handy for removing any excess solder or accidental links on the board.
I could never use desolder braid with any success, as often it lifted PCB tracks due to overheating.
Do not apply too much heat, for too long on any one connection, as it can damage the component, and also lift the thin copper pcb tracks.
My first career was in electronics, so some tasks are second nature, so final advice... don't rush it, take your time be systematic, ie choose one area at a time to solder so you don't miss any.
General... for any other PCB repairs.
As with any rework of any PCB, make sure there is no power on the board.