svo ... omg

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Thanks Darwin,

I'd just assumed it was only the more expensive oils such as rapeseed that were suitable.


rapeseed shouldn't be expensive, I think you'll find its the basis for most of the cheapest oils in fact. Also the most widely-used oil in Europe for bio-diesel.
yes ktc. its the 20l in a plastic bottle with a box around it

originaly 17.99 reduced to 15 something

went to pay they charged me 9.99

so i went back and got another 3 x 20l

Bloody lucky :thumb2 good one.

I shot into ours this morning en route to work and took samples of both the KTC 20l to the till for a price check, full price. Apparently its a local glitch in your stores pricing there aint and wont be a promotional on those as far as our local mgr knows ......fill yer boots he doesnt know which store i was talking about :D he wont be letting anyone know because there all in competition for turnover and profit.

Anyway I bought 60litres of soya for £45 so still happy :D another £15 saved on a top up.
straight veggie oil

either out of the bottle or strained used oil , no additives

Used oil is usually refered to as WVO - waste vehetable oil.

As I recal the order of preference on oils is

Palm oil

Rapeseed oil - often just sold in the UK as Vegetable oil - read the label

Sunflower oil

Soya oil

The order is due to viscosities and freezing points.

In the UK palm oil is not widely available and so is expensive but is the crop of choice for people deliberately growing fuel crops.
ah well I've just done my duty tree hugging today and used sustainable non hydrocarbon fuel............I've got such a warm feeling :augie

Having just washed the cars, one thing I meant to post earlier, when you fill with vege you may get a bit of splashing. It congeals into a pretty tenacious goo. Rub a bit of swarfega (the old style basic green gloop) into it before you wash the car (or its going to rain ;) ). Non abrasive non too chemically and shifts it dead easily :thumb2
Used oil is usually refered to as WVO - waste vehetable oil.

As I recal the order of preference on oils is

Palm oil

Rapeseed oil - often just sold in the UK as Vegetable oil - read the label

Sunflower oil

Soya oil

The order is due to viscosities and freezing points.

In the UK palm oil is not widely available and so is expensive but is the crop of choice for people deliberately growing fuel crops.

The best is peanut oil , believe it or not thats what diesel engines were originally designed to run on (no really I sheet u not)

and sunflower oil runs better than veggie (in my experience anyway)
The best is peanut oil , believe it or not thats what diesel engines were originally designed to run on (no really I sheet u not)

and sunflower oil runs better than veggie (in my experience anyway)

Until Alfred was sunk en route to britain and the conspiracy theories started ;) I thought it was bollocks until it was pointed out to me a while back.

Interesting stuff :thumb2
I thought that was Vin? :confused:

No Vin looked after Alfred ;)

In all seriousness I often wondered why Diesel was called diesel......sad I know but there you go. As others far more knowledgeable than me have posted it was in fact named after Alfred Diesel who never intended the purveyors of the new fangled motor spirit to get their mitts on it.

Possibly not a good choice on names though,

I think "Do you have a petrol or an Alfred car" sounds much nicer as a question ;)
Whoever posted that needs to substantiate it.....just try googling Alfred. Batmans butler is about all you'll find.. :lol:lol