sunroof options where non fitted

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Nov 30, 2004
the patrol has a solid roof, any advise on options to fit a sunroof or two.

recommendations on good fitters etc, guessing looking at pop type or
can tilt slide types be fitted.
try your local body shop, they might know of whats possible,
ttilt/slide sunroofs are very exspensive to have retro fitted, but many cars have the option of sun roof or air con, when they are made, if i didn't have one i wouldn't bother. I like a solid metal roof over my head!
funny you say that plank, do feel secure in this motor more than t2 which had a roof
which tbh i had the sliding cover shut most of time, then when was in up position
woul dcreate lot of wind noise, used then as substitute for lack of air con.

suppose back of mind feel could be an escape route, but then having one put me
of roof rack as that would then cover it, cant even please me all the time etc.

wary of someone taking saw to lovely blue roof, though a pop up type fitted in a
maestro 20 yrs ago was a neat job but needed a blind. suppose defeats having
all this tinted glass.

train of thought abandoned, just enjoy the climate control....
a good choice, stick wiht the solid roof, i am also worried about sunburn on my ever more exsposed scalp ;)
a good choice, stick wiht the solid roof, i am also worried about sunburn on my ever more exsposed scalp ;)

you mean its not a solar panel, plank, for a lurve machine then like mine ;>

its one big roof sure would take one big expedition roof rack...

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