Firemans Dispute
Any firemen on here?
I just think it should be against the law.
If I was a fireman and there was a fire.I would have to help. I could not stand and watch or at least know people are dying.
I know its shit working longer,less pension.
but its still a good career and it has a pension.
I don't know what im going do when im older. use the kids inheritance?
I do not want to hijack this post but this is my story of life in the Public Sector
I was in the Police Service initially from 1971 to 1973 my annual salary was £1075 and that included 2 paid rest days a month that it was compulsory to work for 1.5 T overtime. My monthly take home pay after tax and pension contributions was £68 per month but there was a Police Authority house rent / council free of charge if you were married .
To put that into perspective the Miners were on strike at that time for £100 a week basic wage.
I loved the job with all my heart but when my first wife fell pregnant with our daughter in 1973 it more than halved our income.
She was a typist at Stavely Chemicals earning more than me!
After 6 months we started to accumulate debt it does not sound much today but each month our overdraft grew by about £5.00.
The Wilson Government gave us a pay rise of around 1.5% and so our Chief took away our paid rest days and I was worse off after the pay rise. Staff turnover was quite high around the 10-15 % mark in our Division.
I left to become a car salesman with a basic wage of £2500 a month with a Company Car free of tax with free fuel !
When I reached the age of 30 I realised that there were hardly any car salesmen over the age of 60 and it was a young mans game.
By 1979 I had re-married and re-joined the Police Service as pay and conditions had improved hugely as a result of the Edmund-Davis report that identified the problems of retaining staff and we had no right to strike.
I took a loss of income and lost the Company car but was doing a job I loved again and there was a good pension scheme ahead of me.
My pension contributions rose with each pay rise and the proportion from my pay rose to 11.25% I think it was.
I was lucky to retire on a 26 year pension in 2003 at the age of 55 but still need to work to pay for the extras in life that I have become used to - holidays, motoring,meals out and hobbies.
If my retirement age had been extended whilst I was still serving I would have been very angry indeed.
In the Police Service over the years we lost a lot of perks such as the 'Free Housing' that was replaced with 'Rent Allowance' etc but these changes were red circled when introduced so only new applicants lost the allowances and existing recipients had the allowance frozen with no cost of living index or increases. Now there is no Housing Allowance.
My wife who is 59 has seen her OAP age rise from 60 to 64.75 now to 66 years so she really needs to keep on working and if I retired fully I would be sat at home on my own!
What does my head in is the Government seems out to cut all public sector pay and pensions with the mantra that we can not afford to do this but I do not see the Government cutting the MP's massive pension perks or allowances fiddles. I think Russell Brand was right in the Paxman interview when he stated that it makes little difference to the average working man who is in power Labour, Conservative Liberal etc certainly in my experience it has made no long term difference.
I voted all my life until the last 2 elections when it dawned on me that it makes no difference who you vote for they all have vested interests and look after themselves be it the Tories and the Landed Gentry or Labour and the cronies they support behind your back.
Pretty much everyone fiddled expenses as exposed by our free press that they are now out to punish with new legislation.
Even the Trade Unions seem to be more interested in Political Point Scoring than in its Membership. I was always wary of Police Federation Politics.
I wonder where the real FBU interests lie is it really going to make any difference in the end?
If terms and conditions do change for the worse there are enough people out of work or in dead end jobs to fill any vacancies that arise.
The problem is then in the future when the average age of firemen increases and sick rates rise!
I support the Firemen in the cause but I think the battle is lost before its even started some beancounters in the Civil Service will do the Governments Bidding and you will be left with the short change.