strange warning buzzer

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only had my nissan a few weeks now but every couple of days there is a strange buzzer that comes on when ignition turned on ,no extra warning lights come on .if i start vehicle buzzer goes .turn off and put ignition on no buzzer then 2-3 days latter a warning buzzer again ?
its a lot louder than the key in ign warning
jimfree said:
only had my nissan a few weeks now but every couple of days there is a strange buzzer that comes on when ignition turned on ,no extra warning lights come on .if i start vehicle buzzer goes .turn off and put ignition on no buzzer then 2-3 days latter a warning buzzer again ?
its a lot louder than the key in ign warning
Hi, there is a buzzer than comes on if the side lights (or headlights ) are left on when the ignition key is out and the drivers door is opened.

It doesn't buzz if the engine is running though..
hope this helps, best regards, Rustic
My wagon also has an intermittent buzzer on starting, I was of the understanding that it was either to do with the immobiliser or a MIL warning type thing? I've noticed it is more likely to happen if I get in, key in ign, and try & start straight away - engine usually won't, so I've wondred if it is to do with the immobilser transponder not being picked up straight away and deactivating the system??

My ignition blip only works after battery as been disconnected blip blip blip and you never here again, till next time battery is disconnected :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

it,s intermitant but have found it did it again after i had replaced radio . so think it might be immobilizer
jimfree said:
it,s intermitant but have found it did it again after i had replaced radio . so think it might be immobilizer
My Mav is a UK 1995 lwb 2.7TD and doesn't have a factory fitted imobiliser! (I fitted my own)
Does yours have an after market one fitted ?
is it something specific to mistrals, and do they have imobilizers when imported - going on lots of grey imports have to have them fitted after market to comply with insurance here.
theres a buzzer if u pump brakes and servo presure gets low sharkie had problem whiles back happend on mine when kids had been pumping pedal few time could be that.
Re: strange

glen said:
My ignition blip only works after battery as been disconnected blip blip blip and you never here again, till next time battery is disconnected :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Glen you just answered me a question mate, cheers for that.

Replaced my battery today and sure enough with the door open and ignition turned off after running the engine BEEEEEPPPP. Just been out to check it and sure enough it's gone.

Jim T
The Mistral have a warning system for when you leave the lights on and the other warning is that you have low air pressure in the brake system.

If it's not the lights either park or head lights left on then you'll have a slow leak in the brake system around the servo.

You'll need to check the hoses and connections on and around the brake servo for small leaks or cracks in hoses. :wink:

The buzzer is down on the drivers side by the accelerator pedal on the side wall.

Mistrals do not come out of the factory with alarms on them, not like other models.
that buzzer on ignition switch on

Only had the mistral for a month and I have experienced this loud buzzer too, only happens when the car is parked for a while, if I start the engine or put the handbrake on and the buzzer stops, so I am confident it is indeed brake vacuum, is it possible that its a gearbox fault or are the vaccuum hoses more likely to be the cause?

V5 has arrived today (1st one as its a newly imported car) and its showing it as a nissan MPV (not Mistral or Terrano) and the permissable towing load box is empty, is this incorrect? if so how to get it put right?

1995 Mistral 2.7TD LWB
Yes I get this very loud buzzer sound on my Mistral too, It happens when you pump the brake peddle a few times with engine turned off, This reduces air pressure in the brake servo. The alarm sound is the warning for low servo pressure. Just start the engine and it will stop as the pressure builds up again.
only had my nissan a few weeks now but every couple of days there is a strange buzzer that comes on when ignition turned on ,no extra warning lights come on .if i start vehicle buzzer goes .turn off and put ignition on no buzzer then 2-3 days latter a warning buzzer again ?
its a lot louder than the key in ign warning

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