strange problem

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I've posted previously about a similar problem with racing revs,lack of power,hardly any acceleration etc....I have sprayed all 3 electrical connections associated with the accelerator pedal including the little micro switch that sits along the length of the pedal hanger.Spraying with contact cleaner did little to alleviate the problem.The problem is intermittent but has persisted.

By pure chance one day (when experiencing the problem) I accidentally 'pinged' the pedal with my foot so that it kind of sprung back to its position...does that make sense ?

When the problem rears its head I immediately get the engine warning light come on.As soon as this happens I simply ping the accelerator pedal with my foot and this clears the warning light straight away and we have full power again...

Just a tip that might help any one who has this annoying intermittent problem.I have actually bought a new accelerator pedal assembly but have not had the time to fit it yet...strangely since discovering my wee trick the problem has hardly happened at all..its as if the 'pinging' of the pedal has loosened what was sticking...micro switch most likely.I find it amazing that something that costs pennies can cause such a major failure lol.