Well, after the lug broke on my positive cable to the battery terminal, I thought it would be easy just to replace the terminal with a bolt on affair, however,,,,,,,, I've just done that and the bugger still won't turn over!
Each time I turn the key all the lights on dash go out!
It does seem every so often to try and turn engine over, but it's only for a split second and all the lights go out.
I was wondering if the starter cog had got stuck!
Battery is fully charged and only 3 weeks old.
Anyone got a clue?
Each time I turn the key all the lights on dash go out!
It does seem every so often to try and turn engine over, but it's only for a split second and all the lights go out.
I was wondering if the starter cog had got stuck!
Battery is fully charged and only 3 weeks old.
Anyone got a clue?