I made one out of a plastic choppin board and a 2 quid switch.
4 quid total. no way was I payin 110 quid for a bit of plastic with a switch in it
I made one out of a plastic choppin board and a 2 quid switch.
4 quid total. no way was I payin 110 quid for a bit of plastic with a switch in it
If you have the large stereo you can get them on ebay but your looking at around £100:doh the single din factory ones need a trimming for the stereo cage to slide in :thumb2
When I took the standard single DIN out of mine there was 2 brackets screwed to the side of it which went straight on to my Kenwood head unit so the cage and the trim that goes around its face weren't needed. .
Darn it my stereo is the original cassette unit with a buggered display. I just switch on and see what happens, no need for a fancy plate on mine:lol
Mine too. :thumbs
These young uns don't know how to live on the edge.:augie
These young uns don't know how to live on the edge.:augie
I have a genuine Nissan adapter plate that came in one of my T2s and I just keep swapping it, is yours the one with the hazard button built into the stereo?
Hi yes it is it seems like an expensive job this lol
breaking cupcakes 03? why?
can see any other reason too?
Incartec.co.uk sells the fascia adaptor without a hazard switch for £24.99, or try cncfabs, he's breaking cupcakes 03plate so it should be single DIN.:thumb2
Sold the fascia on ebay
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