I did the course quite a few years ago. never affected my insurance though. The course is ok i suppose, so long as you can take personal criticism?
On my course, we watched load of videos that, essentially, told you what an evil person you were for speading, and that you could have killed someones child and that person hates you even though you havent. Then we did sort of handouts, group discussions about why we were caught speeding etc.
we then had lunch, which was quite nice. got some pop, nice sandwich and biscuit.
after lunch, another video, then we went out with an instructer, 4 to a car, and did some driving skills tests. each person had to commetn on the drivers ability in turn. Of course, I got two old cocks who basically said i scared them and cant drive etc, but the funny part at this point was the insutructer stopped them both and said they were wrong, I drove well if a little fast but i showed better use of mirrors, better understanding of the area outside of the car, better observational skills and so on, so i was sure to be very critical of them both. For example, the older guy thought it was correct to sound his horn several times when descending a hill TOWARDS a bridge. dick, instructor told him off.
anyways, the insutructor then did an examination of all our driving skills and did a report, I got a good one but again, im a little fast, other than that good driver, and i have a from to prove it!
anyway, point is, you can actually get something out of the course if you are open minded. I figured it was way better than the points on my licence AND a fine. end of the day, the points last a lot longer, and if you get done again in a few weeks, things aint looking so good.
if you are offered the course, take it, enjoy it and have fun. no point being uptight about it like i found a lot of the people there. No point banging on abotu being caught out and "werent going that fast" or being picked on. Just get it over with and itll be a more positive experience.