speaker stops radio to other speakers

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Nov 30, 2004
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ok, so had troublesome nsf speaker, figured was speaker so removed
and rest worked again. if went over a bump would cut out or in, or if slammed
door or even moved window.

brought speaker from rear forward and all rosey.

now getting same. when turn radio on either works or get click noise and no
sound from any. sometimes can slam door and works. sometimes lower window
nsf little and sound. sometimes nothing brings sound back.

thinking feed damaged, but where? is wiring damaging new speaker?
Are you still running the factory stereo ? as i've had a lot of probs with bad connections on the ISO link cable when I changed my stereo & traced it to where the ISO lead plugs into the factory harness plug but managed to sort it out with a cable tie & elec tape to keep the the wires inline:lol If it's not at the stereo end then the prob must be in the door & it sound like there is poss a short so i'd check that the thin wires from the speaker terminals to the speaker cone aren't touching each other as i've known this to happen:doh after that I would check all of the speaker wire from the speaker through the door & the rubber boot to the A post for breaks or the wires coating to see if it has rubbed through & is earthing on the metal work of the door etc
cheers is the nats head, want to change but til sort this dont want to throw good money after bad....

did buy some new speakers for rear doors which are same cone? size bot mounts dont
match. have been hacking old speaker mount to use as adaptor, so far ok but then
need wire adaptors too grr.
If the speaker wire is shorting on the door somewhere on the left front it will cut all speakers out. Check the wire and make sure the connector isn't near the door panel

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As for the speaker connection to the speaker easiest way will be to cut off the factory plug & fit 2 spade terminals or you can get the converters will have a look later to see if I can find a link for you:thumbs