Southeast4x4response Recruitment evening 1st December 09

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2005
Hi All

Further to the recent committee meeting where we finally managed to sign the constitution and set up the bank account we will be holding a 2nd meeting to officially sign up members, we will have the membership forms available at the meeting and anyone wishing to become a full member will need to bring their membership fee along with them.

The membership fee will be £23.00, this includes £5.00 joining fee and then the annual renewal fee will be £18.00 per year.
Couples member ship will be available at a reduced joint fee

The meeting will be held at the Fairmile Arms Pub, Cobham, Surrey. We have booked the dinning Area from 7:00pm - 830pm
to allow those who want to eat, the committee will be holding a prior Meeting at this time to collate and discus any issues.
We Have the Adjacent meeting Room Booked, and will start the signing up meeting promptly at 8:30pm.
By eating at the pub we will be saving the club the room rental fee please show your support and appreciation to the pub.

The Address is:, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 1BW..Telephone: 01932 868141.

Winter is fast approaching so we need to sign up as many members as possible.

We will also be taking photographs of those signing up as full members so that we can make up identification cards which will be sent out in the post.

Stickers will also be available at the meeting but we will not have all the Hi-Viz vests until after the meeting as we will need to know what sizes to order.

We hope to see as many of you as possible at the meeting.

Could those intending to attend please let us no so we have an idea of numbers.

Regards Davemud (treasurer)
best of luck with this dave, as a member of the wessex 4x4 responce.
zipps its on you ...kin signeture for ..cks sake

come on some effort please :thumbs
Responss :sly Kumon Zips get it rite:augie
Extreme, there's one asking for new helpers/volunteers up my way next week:thumbs
So Thunderbird2 and me are off for the open meeting thing:cool:
Call me a whinging old sod and a killjoy

I find it odd that you have to pay to join an organisation that is setup to help people in distress ect.

Government should pay it IMHO.
the training can be vety good im told, and its supposed to be fun

so gotta be worth the lolly
Hi ya guys

Extreme your more than welcome to attend just not sure how things would work out do you live down in the south and have an address down hear.

Zippy thanks for your kind words i don't care how you spell m8 it's only a chat room :lol:lol just don't do it on your CV

With regards to membership fees, that pays for the.
Hi-Viz jacket with South-east 4x4 Response On the front and back :thumb2
public Liability insurance for the members on call out :thumb2
and the sms responder calls and membership and Photo ID cards :thumb2

There will be a number of benefits to all in the group but i cant disscus them at this time, we want member to get involved to help out when needed.

But that's why I got involved earlier in the year. I helped out moving ambulance call staff in and out off work in Feb 09 when we had all the deep snow,
they had been on shift for hrs, with no way of getting new staff in or getting current staff home.
These guys are the first people you call when dialling 999 for an ambulance.

there is talk of the government getting involved in supporting and helping but its early days yet.:clap:clap

Call me a whinging old sod and a killjoy

I find it odd that you have to pay to join an organisation that is setup to help people in distress ect.

Government should pay it IMHO.

With regards to membership fees, that pays for the.
Hi-Viz jacket with South-east 4x4 Response On the front and back :thumb2
public Liability insurance for the members on call out :thumb2
and the sms responder calls and membership and Photo ID cards :thumb2

There will be a number of benefits to all in the group but i cant disscus them at this time, we want member to get involved to help out when needed.

It would e great if the Goverment would but at this time its not happening, however there is a new development in the pipeline Nationally which will mean that everyone will be issued with kit of greater value than membership fees.

I think you'll find that RNLI, St Johns, Red Cross etc all have a membership fee, its just the way these things are. It also helps keep out the dreamers and wanna be's, who can't be bothered turning up for training or anything else but like to think they're some kind of rescue service and turn up with multiple amber lights ablaze etc.

In my opinion the benefits of membership far outweigh the cost, kit aside we at Yorks-Lincs get reduced rate access to some of the best Pay and Play sites in the UK for our training days, sure you don't get to play all day but there's almost always chance to practice what you've learnt and have a general drive as well as the more formal bits - but I kinda would say that wouldn't I as a founding member of YL4x4R and now a trustee of the National body :D:D:D
I'd of been more than happy to but can't due to work :(

Made this a temporary "sticky" :clap :thumbs
ive loads of the CRB forms on my desk at work..

just for wesses area though..

any one want to join in??

wessex 4x4 response..

cee I remembered!!
Dave good luck with this group ,hope it goes from well for all involved.I assumed its open to all makes of 4x4 .Jd
Hi Adz Zippy and Dinky

was a real good turn out, we fineshd up at 10pm after singing up 9 New members and a couple took the forms home the
Pub was real good and very help full will be using the venue in the future for meets there is a good area out side for parking & meeting up :thumb2 is open to all makes of 4x4 so any one can join up to help out
we have adopted a couples rate for membership fees :)

We are meeting up at the Dartford of road grounds on the 13th December
If any one ells fancies coming along Details Here

would love to some of the Nissan Club there :)

southeast 4x4 response

Hi Dave would the 13th also be a recruitment day as i was unable to make the meet due to work commitments

also what is the entry criteria for the person and the vehicle

regards Paulp

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