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Mar 16, 2009
Reaction score
'Had my 51 plate Terrano for a year now, brill motor, but at the last MOT it failed coz the fuel tank leaked. Tried everywhere to get a new tank but failed, so we bodged it up for the retest.
Today I got a call to say my motor was leaking diesel 'ont works car park:eek:...bugger.
What do I do?...Well I had seen this other T2 for sale on Autotrader and EBay in Leeds, so I went for a look tonight. Ended up buying it, an 04 plate with....wait for it....25k 'ont the clock, Minter.
OK, I'm skint for a while but it will be worth it:D
Long live Terrano's, the best caravan tower ever:bow.


PS, betcha you're all looking at AT &E right now:lol.
Ah, with the price of diesel at the mo a new motor would prob be cheaper then leaking it all over the carpark!!!! :D :D :D

Enjoy your new toy mate :thumb2

This weekend spent polishing it and changing its oils and filters then???