Mine is a 2002 2.7tdi and yes thats the case. I understand theres different fuel pumps etc that handle it differently, I did the research but I'm sorry i cant remember specifics

I suspect yours will be.
Contrary to myth I have never found any evidenced info that veggie oil (svo) itself knackers the engine.
What you do have to be aware of is that its a tad thicker. That means that there may , just may be some problems with some components in some cars that cant handle it.
But effectively using the veggie oil in warmer weather means its no thicker than diesel in the colder weather. I got caught out by a cold snap and had half a tank of veggie in, It thickened up but the only effects were very poor running. I topped up with diesel, it mixed and youre away.
I generally mix the stuff but certainly this time onwards approx 75 to 100 % veggie each fill. No preheaters and no fancy equipment. I may upgrade to a twin tank with preheater (to thin it ) but quite frankly cant be arsed at the mo.
I get the same fuel consumption and including whilst towing the van no reduction in power.
I change oil and filters on all my cars every 6 to 8000 anyway so any problems that people say may occur with fuel filters, water content etc doesnt seem to be a problem.
It smells good too :lol:lol:lol its brilliant in a traffic jam watching the occupants of the car behind you wondering why they can smell deep fat frying :augie
£15 @ Makro for 20 litres at the mo (my last lot was even cheaper) makes it worth buying. I'm looking for someone in our area doing filtered used oil aka waste veg oil (wvo) that seems to clock in around 40 to 50p a litre if you buy about 100 litres of it. The reason for its cheapness seems to be that theres a lot of it about, not many trucks like ours that can run on it neat and only a finite demand for turing it into biodiesel which is its main anticapted use.
On a slight aside I havent tried bio diesel yet. We've had problems at work with fleet vehicles and bio diesel. I understand some problems are alleged to be caused by the chemical content in it reacting with seals etc as opposed to the more inert nature of "normal" diesel. I really dont know though.
Hope that helps without sending you to sleep
