solarman has been ill

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Off road maniac
Club Member
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2009
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yep that says it all, last Tuesday got wet and cold, only a short time did not think more of it, Wed did a demolition job with some dust nothing abnormal coughed a bit due to this, Thurs was shitting through the eye of a needle 4 times a day, and coughing like a trouper, so much that had to hold my chest to stop the pain, Fri got house to 24 in order to stop shivering can only tolerate scotch (medicinal purposes only you understand) Sat no better, Sun small improvement,went for normal Sunday eve meal at local pub tried a glass of wine, left half of it when we departed Mon small improvement again still shitting like water, do not know what I have got, but you do not want it, every night the bed has been completely saturated with sweat, fortunately we have a water bed so it drys very quickly, very rare I get this shit but when I do it has to be a bad one at 12.30 Tues morning I have to say I feel better but fear it is only the scotch but what the hell as they say one life live it Rick
Hi Rick, you might have contracted norovirus, it takes no prisoners, a couple of months back I picked it up, we were travelling back from our daughters, and I spent 2 1/2 hours on the floor of a disabled toilet at a services on the motorway.
It was from both ends, my wife drove and I sat with a bucket all the way home, and I was sitting on a bin bag just in case. Luckily, as we had been away, I had several changes of clothes. It took a week for me to get over it, as you can guess my wife also picked it up, we were both confined to bed, each of us had our bucket, the most important thing is to drink plenty of water.
I was worse with it than my wife, mainly due to my medical condition and treatment, which left my white immune cells well below normal.
The virus has been known to kill vulnerable people. Imodium instants can help, but the important thing with those, is to have some in the medical kit before you get something like this.
I hope you soon get over your illness, it's not like you to even mention feeling low, let alone ill.
Take care Rick, go light on the whisky, brandy is better lol, eat bland foods, toast and soups to start with, and avoid spicy food.
Uncle Rustic:thumb2
Get well soon.

I had the Noro-virus last year not pleasant took me a couple of weeks to completely recover.
Not as bad as Compylobactor that I got around 4 years ago though.
Hope you feel better soon Rick. I was rough a while back started with throwing up in the flower beds at work (closer than the toilet and time was not my friend) and ended with 5 days in bed and on the sofa.
Take care.
get well soon mate , keep us updated if you can ....... if you need owt don't hesitate to ask . :thumb2
Still feel poor, repaired a boiler today 2 hours work then home enough is enough, had to claim the customers loo a bit quick, had some Imodium and next due but does not seem to help at the mo, thanks for all your thoughts, it does seem that there is a lot of it going round, fortunately unlike uncle Rustic I have only been close to vomiting, seem to be getting better re temperature it is 22 in here and I feel comfortable maybe even a little warm, Rusty & Suza, both only want to lay on my lap, not really enough room for both, they can sense I am not right, still not interested in wine, see what tomorrow brings, Rick
Jeez man, get yourself to the doctor soon he may be able to get you some on prescription, could I recommend a nice cab SAV in the range of 14.5% may help:D with symptoms:nenau
He'll be alright, he's Rick!!!!!

All Rick's are know are heroes, Solarman Rick

Rick Grimes...... any Walking Dead fans here? :naughty
knew I was well on the mend when I woke this morning, old JT was standing to attention, feel just great now, thanks all, 7 days of crap, do not want that again in a hurry, Rick