snow updates please

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It's still coming down....all buses off, expecting very heavy frost overnight.....:surrender

No snow in essex/ greater london at the moment, but it is forcast.

But i did see a brass monkey crying and shouting out, is there a welder in the house!!!!:D :D :D

pretty poor where I am , about 8 inches today I think, so my garden, drive and street are screwed again, cant get my car out!
Three inches and rising. Its great. The biggest my knobs ever been. :lol:lol:lol

And its snowing like buggery.....just been to sainsburys to practice me four wheel drifting :augie
This morning we woke to our fourth snowfall, our road, pavements and drive have been almost imposible since well before xmas. Our wheelie bins havent been emptied for over a month, no grit as been laid so I suppose the bin men cant get around. The terrano in 4x4
worked very well in the deep snow and thick ice, but in 2x it is useless, wheels spinning fish tailing and going nowhere. On the drive, one wheel on ice other on cleared tarmac the wheel on ice just spun the other did nothing. I would have thought the lsd would have helped but it didn't. The lsd oil was changed six months ago. The good thing about this snow, no wind, it's been very calm otherwise there would have been severe drifts . regards bri


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Have travelled around Hawes and outlying Dales lanes today(sadly at work). Deep snow and drifts which apart from the steepest hills have been mostly in 2xwheel drive.The lsd seems to work well when the auto is in snow mode i.e. no 1st gear engaged. When forced to use 4x4h she was as good as all the L.R.'s i have driven in the past. Pirrelli Scorpions seem to be well up to the job as well. Shame I did not have a camera as the views were spectacular.
This was the view earlier this evening while practising a bit of 4WD powersliding in the car park in town:augie......currently theres 5 inches sitting on top of the beemer (whch hasn't moved for almost a month!) and its still throwing it down.

Met Office is predicting anywhere from 10-16 inches right across my patch so no work tomorrow!!! yippee!


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Snow glorious snow in Sheffield today. Took an hour to travel 2 miles this morning in nose to tail traffic, so turned around and came back home. Took the hound out for a lovely walk in the hills then took the missus on a couple of her jobs. Beats stuck in an office all day. :thumbs


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I was about to say none overnight here but just looked out and it's snowing again.
Its only light at the mo but we shall see
Stroud in Gloucestershire, we have approx 5-6" of snow, more on top of the cotswold hills and its still snowing :clap as of 9:15am Weds 06th Jan 2010.

We had a light dusting over night on top of yesterdays snow. It's a hard life I'm having to work from home:) laptop on and logged on via VPN. Trouble kids have gone out with my sledge (from when I was a kid) and I can't go:confused:

Jim T
Snowed all morning here but now the sun has come out and it's clear blue skies, have cleared the snow from the drive and we are off for a walk on the hill. regards bri
4" overnight here (and yes, I was out playing in it all night in the Mav!), snowing steadily most of the day, and now it's really coming down quite heavily - they're predicting we're gonna be about the worst hit area tonight with between 12" & 18":)
Had about 3 inches down my way, which of course means it IS the end of the world... Sigh.

Just helped a mate out by doing the three mile round trip to collect his missus from work. Something about his V8 Mustang being a tad too sideways all the time to actually get anywhere. :D