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Jun 12, 2005
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Looking at diflock site post on there about fitting snorkle to 300 tdi .what interested me was the i think watwr trap will try to post picture
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all snorkels will suffer from water intake due to the amount of air sucked in even when the top is reversed.

you can do a water trap but that has to be to a sealed container that is vented to the highest point

sealed so as not to create a lower point of entry for water
vented to allow air to escape to allow unwanted water to enter catch tank

but normal air intake will let water in anyway

on second viewing it looks like he has incorporated a snorkel into the roll bar
the piece going down towards the ground i thought was water trap,but now looked again .it does look like a rool cage. clever bit of steel work.
to be honest if its incorporated into the roll cage i dont think he will have any problems with knocking it off . very clever.

i like the idea, if roll cages are your thing:thumbs
I think the idea of building it into the roll cage is good but in practice i'm not convinced it seems like it would ruin the intergrity of the cage in an accident or at least wreck the snorkel rendering the car imobile? im not convinced.

Bu having said all that his/her fabricating skills look far beyond anything i could manage!
MSA rollcage rules forbid you from passing anything inside the cage - theres probably a good reason for that.

MSA rollcage rulls also insist that the front stays either form a continous hoop (passing over te top of the windscreen) in their own right or a continous piece up to the joint with the main hoop - theres probably a good reason for that too.

MSA rules also don't allow bens made up of multiple pieces welded together - theres a reason for that too.

Looks to me like a typical piece of steering wheel substitute engineering - if you make it tough enough you don't have to steer cos you can drive through everything. If its purely a snorkel he's way over complicating matters and over engineering, if its meant to act as a rollcage too then rather him than me.
hi the picture is from difflock site didnt know if it would be ok to publish the compleated truck on here without the owners permission .
the truck has been made into a trayback .and it looks prity well put together.
i still think the piece of tube going down off the snorkle could be a water trap .would it work if a tap or something was fitted at the bottom to drain any water away.
no cos it would suck water up and drown the engine (like a straw). i guess you could block the end off on the bit going down and put a drain off tap like on a compressor.
but you'd have to remember to empty it as and when needed
hi the two pictures are of a 300 tdi showing the outlet of the air intake and after repossioning and fitting of a 200 tdi air box. and B+Qs finest.
my thoughts have now turned to raising the original air intake by making a new opening in my 300 s airbox and refitting original air intake which would take same line as B+Qs conversion ,would you point it forwards or backwards ?
I can do this without removing wing so eventualy could fit a snorkle .
your thought coments .
thats askin for it in`t it
this could save me drowning it .