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It's shit now tho... Or rather its too bloody good !

All this chemically produced skunk ... I'm a hash man myself ;)
Pete a friend of mine had a grow house next to him and both him and his wife suffered same as you. As said though Pete carbonmonxide too, you could buy a carbonmonoxide detector from B&Q or somewhere so you can check discreatly too. I wouldn't be without a detector and if you think about it we've had some cold weather lately when all the houses have been shut up and heating on. If it happens to be carbonmonoxide you could be saving your neighbours too. Gas board will gladly come out and check for it too FOC. However carbonmonoxide doesn't have a smell.
Have you noticed an increase in your electricity bill, and your house has no snow on the roof...

They may have tapped into your ceiling rose.:augie
if its givin u headaches, it ain't grass! i've been in grow houses & the smells strong but still don't give u a headache. phone the gas man as it could well be a grow(hence the smell) but carbon minoxcide due to a leaky(most likely fiddled pipe) to keep the house warm & prevent plants from dying & losing profit elecy will be fiddled too so fire risk there.

leaky gas+dodgy electrics = BOOOOOOOM!!!

Phone the police & get advise (they'll prob send a heat seeking hopter over head to detect abnormal heat in buildings) & the gas man as there no way u should be feeling that ill thru a wiff of a spliff.

Or we could gather all us smokers on here, raid the place & chill out :thumbs:augie
got a carbon monoxide detector ...... no probs , test it regularly

Pete, you are a wise man. Also check how old it is because the electronic detectors have a life span. The patch detectors are not reliable and only last days.

Get the police rung today mate. I have no experience of grow houses other than a friend had one next door to him and both he and his wife suffered headaches. Coincidence or not it happened.

What ever Pete don't try and tackle it yourself and don't tell the neighbours who phoned the police as the police wont say anything. You'll be fine.
What ever Pete don't try and tackle it yourself and don't tell the neighbours who phoned the police as the police wont say anything. You'll be fine.

Just as long as they don't turn up with the "Blues and twos" and pile into your house, then smash down the door next door.:doh

I'm sure they will be discrete.........:augie

Having watched "Heartbeat" the police around your area often make loads of noise prior to sneaking up on the would be thieves, and wonder why they're not there when they get there.:doh
its probably that pensioner that lives the other side pete. Call the police and tell them you think that old guy is smoking pot.

I doubt its that young, nice quiet couple personally, young people today dont generally smoke or break the law, so its bound to be the old guy.

seriously though, clal the police for advice, as said, could be a grow house somewhere, could even be doors away but smell travelling through the ceilings from house to house and dropping when colder..heat rises!
Pete, did you ever wire in those high wattage lamps that you bought off ebay, oh and the fans and ducting. Tomatoes you said...:doh

Joking apart...
a lot of these growing farms are by people on short term rents, so allowing for some set up time, have you had new neighbours in the last few months?
been there for the last 2 days clive , day and night , but cant smell it today :nenau

Do the neighbours have open fires? it could be someone has bought some cheap fuel to burn, cheap coal is rich in sulphur, some might try peat to burn, or they could be burning scrap treated wood, which when burnt, gives off toxic fumes.
Any new decking installed lately?

Best regards,
Richard (Rustic).
Someone's growing next door blatantly

I smoked canabis heavily for 7 years in my youth but knocked it on head 10 yrs ago ( still wouldn't turn the odd spliff down tho :D )

U need to find out who it is and get round there to sample the goods ... :D

brilliant :lol:lol:lol
skunk stinks bad my mate smokes the stuff he stood up the top of my garden and you could smell it in the house so there probably just smoking the stuff not growing would not have thought so anyway
Went to a factory fire once and that turned out to be a cannabis factory, they had cut into the electric supply before the meter and did the same with the gas, leaving the building in a dangerous state, just inside the windows, they had placed metal spikes to impale anyone going in that way

These people spend a lot of money to produce this stuff and are not very nice to deal with, I would call crime stoppers and report what you can smell and what's happening, as others have said, let the police do their job and don't mention it to any neighbour.


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