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Sep 20, 2004
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Does anyone else drive a smaller car than a Terrano?

We have a Skoda Roomster which although spacious is actually a small car and certainly from the front because it’s tall looks very narrow. I’ve always felt that people take liberties with you and really don’t treat you with the respect as all cars should be treated with.
Have been down to Chester today and the amount of people that have pulled out or pushed us out of the way or switched lanes narrowly missing us was horrendous today.

Is it just me or do people treat you totally different because you are in a small car. Does anyone else experience this?
I notice that Jim but the standard of driving is at an all time low. My biggest bug bear atm is people indicating on a round a bout but not indicating to leave. They leave the right indicator on and exit. Boils my blood:jerkit:

People see the state of my terrano bumper corners and give me a wide berth :lol
There always seem to be empty spaces next to my truck in carparks too :D
Does anyone else drive a smaller car than a Terrano?

We have a Skoda Roomster which although spacious is actually a small car and certainly from the front because it’s tall looks very narrow. I’ve always felt that people take liberties with you and really don’t treat you with the respect as all cars should be treated with.
Have been down to Chester today and the amount of people that have pulled out or pushed us out of the way or switched lanes narrowly missing us was horrendous today.

Is it just me or do people treat you totally different because you are in a small car. Does anyone else experience this?
Welcome to Chester! How was the visit?
It's more likely that people feel that they are more entitled than you.
Company car is a Volvo V60, and yes people do try and push in front and offer what I believe is called the London wave. I often wave back and it's definitely not the London variety...:eek:
Different story when I'm out in the Terrano.
I'm not sure that it's much different from too many other places I drive through though, with the exception of High Wycombe.
Definitely not singling out Chester, seems the same where ever I drive the little car. Wife has been driving it for a while and feels the same about it. Blocky you are so right, standards are low these days.

As for the day out in Chester actually loved it and made me quite envious that I never had the opportunities my daughter has. One more open day in a couple of weeks in Cheshire before applying early next year. I’d like to explore Chester but on a warmer day than today, it was a bit on the nippy side today. By the way tomtom took me in park road side and got straight to the place. Very impressed with the place.

Looks like I’m driving the terrano and parking the skoda up, every cloud and all that :thumbs
I agree with Blocky10, the standard of driving is hitting an all time low, some days you wonder how you actually get from A to B without incident, then add a caravan to the mix, and you really do take your life in your own hands...

As for different size cars, the first time I had a direct comparison was when I had my LWB Vitara. It had a full set of stainless steel wrap around bull bars, with a pair of Super Oscar Cibees on them, and they really did give the car a good presence on the road.

Long story short, the guy taking my car for a service, rear ended a Volvo 240, pushing that into a Fiesta. He totalled the Fiesta!!! He then delivered the car to me, and told no one about the accident, so it was a bit of a shock when a few days later the police turned up, as apparently I had given false details!!!

Upon closer inspection, the bull bars had absorbed most of the impact, but had ripped the top mountings out of the metal bumper apron, and dented the front edge of the bonnet. Actually, there was amazing little damage, considering what the other 2 looked like.

After strong words with the garage, needless to say, they sorted it out, but there was a period of 2 weeks while they ordered up the replacement bull bars, and I got to drive the car with out them on... The amount of people who pulled out in front of me during that 2 weeks was amazing, and I was very pleased to get them back on.
I agree that the standard of driving has deteriorated beyond belief, what really surprises me is the the increasing number of people running red lights, I call them people and not drivers, on the other side of the coin I have no problem in my Patrol whatsoever :naughty :naughty, Rick
Small Cars v Big 4x4's

The smallest car I have owned over the last 25 years has been our BMW Mini Cooper. TBH it was quite nippy so I never really felt vulnerable to idiot drivers. What I did notice was that on local roads oncoming traffic would rarely give me the right of way when passing parked cars irrespective of which side of the road they were parked.

Our r3mR with its big front Bull Bars seemed to make other drivers give way even when the obstruction was on my side of the road. I have always assumed that as it was an old vehicle they felt I had nothing to loose so always erred on the safe side. Our old Jeep likewise seems to have the benefit of polite oncoming drivers.

I do try not to be too intimidating honest I do !