Well, washed my old rope and cut out the bad bit and spliced it together again, although a fair bit shorter (about 24 mtrs) it still functions, and tested out OK, also have a new 36 mtr length but it is only 8mm so not really ideal, have just bought a 26 mtr bit of 10mm from a site that buys end of real off cuts for £43 delivered, but most of what they have is what I call "sheathed" rope designed I guess for the sailing brigade so kinder on the hands, but not very good on a winch drum (thanks Pete for the info on that) the other downside is a 10mm rope is now 12mm including the outer covering so will struggle to fit on the drum anyway, am now a bit gutted as the first day out at Piccadilly wood is Sunday 4th but we got an Easter party for the family on that day, when I mentioned going, if looks could kill I would be dead, ah well hopefully there will be plenty more unless the powers that be decide to lock us down again and I would not rule it out as it really is a control issue, Rick