sending pm ,s

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Morning everyone :smile:

Is anyone having trouble sending a pm :?:

I sent some but now when I press send nothing happens :roll: :roll:

Just wondered if it was just me having the problem :smile:
Thanks bat and zippy
I got your pms but mine seem to be staying put :roll:

I press send and it looks like it has gone but it does not go :?:

Never mind Ill sleep on it it must be me :roll: :lol:
willow said:
Thanks bat and zippy
I got your pms but mine seem to be staying put :roll:

I press send and it looks like it has gone but it does not go :?:

Never mind Ill sleep on it it must be me :roll: :lol:
i know its a silly question but you are putting a subject in the top line as it wont send without one
Ok I know I act like a blonde sometimes but yes I have got that one :lol: :lol: :wink:

I have posted lots of pm,s ok no problem its just started to play up It must be my computor will keep trying.

Thanks anyway :smile:
Well not the one I wanted
:oops: :oops: :roll:
but just put this one on to see if it was it was my uploading skills :cry:
And yes it is.

Will keep trying to get one from my computor.

Thanks zippy for trying to help -cheers-
No the size is ok
Its the data for it
it wants to know where it is from :roll: :roll:
But now I have got the idea I will try and find a photo from my pics and see if that will go.
Thank you :lol:
care to try one of the others then. just need to resize it,

right click mouse on pic, and open it using.. microsoft office picture manager. then resize using that