Second Battery

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2012
On my T2, I have that nice big hole in front of the Air filter housing, and behind the Nearside headlight.

I want to fit a second Battery in there, and have a nice new battery that fits in the spot perfectly., all I will need to do is put some foam padding where the Aircon pipes run past, to stop one or the other rubbing a hole in each other.

So.... has anyone put a battery there, and if you did, how did you make the battery mounting up. Currently the area has a "Shaped" base, so I need to make a raised platform to level it out, but before I start, I wondered if anyone had any tips, or if there is actually a ready made mounting for this spot.
I put a second battery in my off road motor for the winch, just welded some angle to make a square frame for it to sit in, placed it where I wanted it, tack welded it where it touched put steel packers in on small gaps and welded them in and where it over sailed towards the engine welded on a support strap, simple, I will be doing the same soon on my new off road motor will take pics and post them, Rick
I put mine there, i used a battery tray from ebay. The clamps thats came with it were useless and dangerous. Kept coming loose after like 30 mins of driving. So I made my own.

I had a box their. Was good, until it came loose and the alternator had eaten it :doh
Thanks, I was looking through Ebay last night, and found a few battery trays that might do the job, just got to commit to one now.

I was hopping to find one that holds the battery by the lip at the bottom, like the one already fitted to the Terrano does, as the battery I have has 4 contacts on the top under long handles. 2 are the conventional round type, and 2 are "bolt" stile, so easy to connect things to. If I use the sort of battery tray that has a strap/bar over the top, I will not be able to lift the handles to get to the battery terminals.

Basically the extra battery is to run an inverter and/or a PA system at our PR events, plus a back up for the caravan when we stay "Mains free" for any time, and I will also wire the roof lights into it.
many mistrals came with a second battery

seems easy mod, but would check insurer as many here
have had no -no from them!

on my 02 that space is now an oversized screen wash
but on my old 96 came very close to doing this as had
a plastic battery box that fitted perfectly and thought
was could use box as tool store when battery not there.

i too though extra for caravan and surely better under
bonnet than even strapped down in boot. in end opted
for larger batts in caravan...

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