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unbelievable, it begegrs belief how someone could do such a thing, that poor poor girl, its absolutely horrifc, I hope he rots a long and painful spell in jail and experiences pain like he never imagined at the hands of his inmates, he deserves NO less.
perfect punishment

Long drop short rope.

sorry if that offends but if that was my child he murdered he would not have seen the inside of a court let alone the inside of a cell.

capital punishment is the only way.

Us and the family are spending taxes to look after this scumbag

,Paul, with you 100%, the scumbag, if my dog bit someone she would destroyed, just as he should, if it was my daughter I would want this
I hope they put him in with a 30 stone skinhead who likes to be called Cindy!!

lmfao, he will get his comeuppence in there, i bet you hear in the papers that he has been scared, beaten, cut, once he has been sentanced, and good job. :sly:lol