At this time of year, we are all thinking of our families and friends, if you could spare a moment for those no longer with us and how important keeping in touch with those left behind. I know many of you already are.
I just received this message from Bruce's widow Sandra, as I previously forwarded on all the messages of condolence from members of this club, and I will let you read it
"Hello there Richard and Roz......Do so hope you are both feeling much better than from the last time I messaged you and are recovering well from the awful norovirus. Thank you very much for passing on details for Bruce's farewell to members. The link you sent did work for me - I have read the many condolences sent and would like to thank them all for their kind words - it is a comfort knowing how Bruce touched so many lives in his usual kind and generous way by having time for others. I have also managed to print them off and they will have a special place in his memory book. Thank You once again...............Wishing you all Good Health and Happiness for the future.....Sandra...xxxx"
Wow that brought a lump to my throat, and a tear to my eye, on how much this meant to his wife Sandra at this sad time.
May I thank you all who wrote a short word or two, and to those that took a moment to think of Bruce (Terranical) even for a short moment in their busy day.
I do wish I had met him. I started to get quite close to him via PM's in the past few months.
With best wishes to you all for a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Richard (Rustic)