richard fookin branson

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Aug 15, 2010
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Them dicks at virgin media have cut my broadband off cos i aint paid the bill that they aint sent me yet :doh i foned them and they said they will put it back on when i pay. So. I said i aint had the bill to which she replied well it was sent friday 22nd of oct to which i replied its thursday 21st today. Guess they must work on a new Futures billing system

that is exactly the reason i left virgin. great service etc - but the billing was a nightmare

We had mega problems with virgin , until we managed to speak to one of the gaffers and it was sorted.

One thing we did get from a couple of the techies who came out is that Richard Branson is allegedly pissed off big time with NTL.

They were saying he came on board with NTL to given some heavy duty marketing clout to their UK operation (andmake serious dosh as well of course)

The customer service side of NTL is still effectively ran by NTL and is toput it politely , generally crap.

That may all be bollocks of course but our experience seems to bear it out :(

Onr thing I will say mind is just ring up and say "how do we disconnect" stick it out until you are transfered to the uk customer retention "office" , they have the discretion to do all sorts ;) been there and on a cracking deal ......though not as good as some have managed so I guess the missus will have to get back onto them :lol:lol
im on Virgin also. had problems in the past, but never with billing.i pay direct debit, and its always correct. however, i rang them a while back as i was narked with the hardware for my internet. i kicked off and asked to leave, they put me onto retention, i got upgraded broadband, £25 per month OFF my bill and a better phone package. so im on a great deal, £50 ish a month, bargain, so im dead pleased with Virgin, and so far after many many years no real issues. hey hav eobviously screwed up with the bills for you guys, get them to sortit, then get them to gve you a nice sweetner such as a hd box, 50 meg broadband (then when the guy comes round, blag him for 100 meg) and all will b well!
Good man clivvy :thumb2

Funnily enough ours started of with modem problems. Every time I got through to the dehli call centre they had me farting about resetting things. they seemed to miss the point it worked for about an hour then screwed up. In the end I flipped and had a good rant and invited them to stay on line until it screwed up again That was outside their script so we spoke to Sky who smoothed in immediately with a cracking deal (the ntl techie who came out to fix it did some basic diagnostics asked us which cupboard on the ark our modem had come out of and told us it was cream crackered and had no chance of running properly).

So the misuss (shes good :thumb2 )ended up on the phone insisting to speak to the person who would disconnect us. Quite funny actually I could only hear our side of it

"id like to organise disconection and removal of all your rubbish kit"

"yes im sure"

"as soon as possible"

"yes im sure"

"your service is crap"

"just get someone round to disconnect or do it from there now"

"yes Im sure"

"yes you can transfer me so long as they know what theyre on about and can disconnect"

"yes im sure"

and so it went on :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol

They saw a good regular payer disapearing to sky put us through to retention and basically apart from movies and sport channels they gave us BIG everything for the same dosh :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
im with virgin and to be honest had no trouble at all, but i can feel a problem with my internet coming on, seems a bit slow :augie i'll ring them tomorrow and have whinge see if i can get a better internet package.:lol
one thing though , Im not sure if theyd call your bluff if you did ask them to disconnect :nenau

We were genuinely on the point of going to Sky so we had nowt to lose :thumb2
i find the best thing is to ring them when sky have an offer or drive on. like they do now, as do BT. you ring virgin, just go to the "thinking abou tleaving" option, and tell them you are thinking abou tleaving because BT and SKY appear to offer a better deal, and you find your internet too slow, and tv a bit poor compared to sky, drop in that you like the sound of those hd boxs though, and simply ask them if there is anything they can do. call sare recorded, make it so they offer you something good to stay(or they get into trouble) and push for a better modem/broadband package (costs them nowt) and get a hd box plus like me and DAVED, a better tv package, BUT make sure you whinge about the cost, and say to them in an assuming way "all this for whta im paying now? cos its still too expensive" thats all i did, i was paying £75 pm, now i pay £50. im going to ring them soon to get an hd box and try fo rbetter braodband, i might have already pushed my luck but if they clal my bluff, fine, because there are plenty of cheap packages out there with bt and sky!
Just to add to all the other comments, ntl at £50 per month, ring and tell them youve got the jiffy bag ready to send them their equipment back youve just rung to confirm the address you need to send it to. surprise surprise they will drop to £19.99 a month for everthing, honest, mate of mine just did it, (his missus works for vodafone retention so he knows the ropes) also to all sky customers, please note after 3 yrs you are entitled to a gold customer bonus which can be upgraded package or discounts on your monthly rate, in reality ring every 11 1/2 mnths and tell them plainly this is killing me and I need to get a better package, they will drop your costs if again you ask for the address to send their box back to. My costs are only £10 per mnth for unlimited downloads via a dongle for the laptop, and free calls on me mobile to 12 numbers which for me is more than sufficient, good luck to all that ask and dont forget to kick some ass in the process as with all the shi"e going on in the country for the cost of a phonecall (normally free anyway) you will feel marvellous.... :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs