I did that about 6 months ago, so my comments:
1. Yes, it's large hexagon. Not too difficult to unscrew
2. Make sure you have new heat shields (copper discs) to insert when putting injectors back.
3. They should be inserted correct way - I think embossed side towards cylinder.
4. You will need to release high pressure line holder near IP to make lines moving and remove them from injectors, you may need to loosen them on IP too. If you can, try only loosen this holder, do not remove it. It will be pain in the neck to get all lines back in correct order and tighten them.
5. Alternative is to bend them (that what I will do next time). But be aware of the dirt which could deposit inside fuel lines. Once you start bending them, it may come off internal walls (if it's there, of course) and then block injector. I would blow air through line before fitting it back.
Other than that - easy job. If you want, you may get all injectors out, then fit them back on fuel lines and crank the engine. This way you may get an idea or amount of fuel injected and maybe even see if injectors have right spray pattern.
Good luck with that!