
Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
Second year of membership paid. A club that are largely barmy, devoid of ruinous egos (or have the grace to not yak about 'em), full of technical knowledge on the Nissan 4x4 and it's brother in funny trousers, the Ford Maverick.

Ten quid may be a lot but it sorts the curious and limits the trolls nicely.
Let's get some specifics here:

I have spent twenty quid on membership.

I have saved over a grand in labour charges.

I have saved over five hundred quid in parts costs.

I have had my worries answered quickly with a minimum of piss taking (and that well deserved).

I have only seen one troll and he was a known masochist (to pay a tenner to whinge once takes dedication in all the wrong places).

Nissan 4x4 Owner's Club. Ten quid will not get you better value anywhere else.

Unless you're driving some other 4x4, in which case, just pay up coz all donations are appreciated :D