Important Reading for all members!

Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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Here you can view in one area things from club rules to fixing website related issues!

Club Rules

Nissan and Ford Maverick 4x4 Owners Club
Code of Conduct

the conditions for membership to the Nissan and Ford Maverick 4x4 Owners Club (NFM4x4OC) are as follows:


Upon joining or if any change of circumstances, you are required to supply the club Administrators Your:
1: Full name
2: Full postal address
3: Vehicle make and model (not your registration or chassis number)
4: Valid E-mail address
5: To inform the admin of any change of address, e-mail address or vehicle details at the earliest opportunity and not just at renewal time, failure to do this can and will result in temporary club suspension.

*Please note while this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, and also wilst every effort is made, the administrators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

Personal conduct within the club website
1: You agree to control the conduct of either yourself, partner or any junior members attached to your membership account, and act in an orderly and friendly manner at all times,

2: You agree not to post any abusive, racial, disability, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented material / images, or any other material either in forums posts, e-mail or private messages, either directly or indirectly that may offend other users or may violate any applicable laws.

3: You agree to abide by the decision of the Moderators or administrators of this club website, you can appeal against any decision made in any issues by contacting the administration team.

4: Should any issues arise the administration team will mediate and take necessary action where needed.

5: Should you be offended or insulted by any material with the club website, DO NOT RESPOND to the offending material and instead report the offending material, location or comments to either a moderators or the administration team, who will then investigate, mediate, edit or remove the offending material or comments if warranted, and then issue appropriate actions if needed.

6: Should you (the offending member) be issued with more than three warnings from the moderators or the administration team, and do not change your conduct as required, you can and will face temporary suspension or exclusion from the NFM4X4OC membership! This will be an administration team decision if so, and will not entitle you to any membership refund.

Personal conduct whilst on any club arranged event

1: You agree to control the conduct and safety of either yourself, partner or any junior members attached to your membership account, and act in an orderly and friendly manner at all times during any club event,

2: You agree to not make any abusive, racial, disability, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented comments either directly or indirectly that may offend other members or visitors! or may violate any applicable laws.

3: You agree to abide by the instructions or guidance of the club event marshal’s or administration team of this club, whilst attending any event or meeting arranged by the NFM4x4OC.

4: If you display any vehicle graphics or advertising relating to the clubs identity, you agree to conduct yourself and any persons with you, in a proper manner as you are in effect acting as ambassadors' of the club whilst at any event etc.

5: Should any issues arise the club marshal’s or the administration team will mediate and take necessary action where needed to resolve any issues, queries or complaints.

6: Should you be issued with any instructions or warnings from the club marshal’s or the administration team of this club, and do not follow these instructions or change your conduct as required, you can and will face temporary suspension or exclusion from the club event and the NFM4X4OC membership! This will be an administration team decision if so.

This simple guidance of our required code of conduct is to help keep all members fully informed of where everyone's responsibilities stand.

Common sense prevails at the end of the day!

*Please note that the administration team can change or edit the Code of Conduct (club Rules) above at anytime deemed necessary, but will display in the forums for 24 hours to allow members to view and comment before a new version is enforced and needed to accept to continue access to this site.

Image Linking

Can anyone please refrain from posting any pictures in posts from today unless you upload them to the gallery area and then use the web url from the gallery to the image so it displays that way, (just right click any image you want and select properties, then copy and paste the link as you would from other sites)

reason is a while back we had problems with a certain post not opening and causing all sorts of issues for members and myself trying to correct the issue, these issues are that where ever you host the image, if that site goes down or opens slow, it will cause a timeout error on our site due to trying to open the image from here,

all images for example "what is this part etc" or "this is the part i'm having problems with" etc etc, these need to be uploaded to the help section in the gallery, then just submit the link as you would normally if on another site, this way it can only be a problem if our own site is down and no other 3rd party link host.

same goes for members motors etc, upload to the correct album and link from there.

if this is not done i will have to delete any image not in our gallery which will then defeat the object of who evers post is requiring the image.

again if this is not carried out i will have to stop any html linking what so ever and this will include even giving a link to anywhere for people to click on, for example etc etc

so your support in the matter is greatly appreciated,

All pictures displayed in these forums must be hosted by this site.

To upload a picture:

1. Click on gallery on home page.

2. Click on upload picture. You will see that only pictures of 500 pixels wide can be uploaded with a maximum file size of 100Kbs. Please check yours are not bigger as they will not upload. If they are too big then please either re size if you know how or send then to me in an e mail and I will do it for you.

3. Scroll though the albums to decide which your picture is appropriate for. ie: Pictures of a Murano in Murano file.

4. Browse your computor for the correct file.

5. Type in a picture title or description if wanted.

6. Click on upload.

Subject to everthing being Ok, you will now see a meassage displayed that your picture will be subject to admins approval. If the picture is urgent, then PM Mav for a quick approval, if only routine pics, then remember he is human and has a life, so allow at least 24hrs for it to be approved.

The above actions must be repeated for each individual picture upload. This site does not at the present support multiple up loads.


To display a picture in a post:

1. Go to gallery on home page.

2. Select the picture you require (large version)

3. Right click the picture and go to properties.

4. A pop up box will appear, copy the address (URL) which is a long list like: (2).jpg

5. Type your reply to the post.

6. Click on Img above, it will give you a box

7. Paste in the address (URL) then click image again.

8. Click preview (below). If all Ok then press submit.

You can display more than 1 image in each post, but the Img box above must be used around each individual picture.

[u]Clearing Cookies[/u]

1: turn on personal computer more advanced users call these PC'S

2: make sure all windows are closed on PC not your house

3: assuming you are using windows, click start button in left corner of screen

4: find and choose and click control panel in list

5: find and choose and click internet options in list

6: find and choose and click delete cookies from the general tab view

7: find and choose and click delete files (place tick in all offline files) also in the general tab view

8: find and choose and click delete history in general tab view (i set my history to 3 days)

9: once done close all windows on PC not your house, and return to the desktop view once again.

10: now click the big blue icon on desktop with the letter e in it,

11: in the white web address bar near top of screen view, type the club address, then click go or just press enter on your keyboar

more to follow