Ah, that's easy ish. What you need is an old indespenion hub and bearings. They'll easily carry a 750 kg for a few quid. Then weld on the wheel holder bit. I've probably got one around in my trailer bits, I'll have a spy.:thumbs
I can't see anything expensive there. Weld a stub axle to the bumper, that's the bit that takes std trailer wheel bearings. Then the carrier itself made as the jeep link. I'll ask how much to make that bit. Some sort of lock and fanny's your aunt :augie
How's your welding by the way, cause I reckon even I could make the carrier bit
PS just found these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PAIR-TRAI...ailers_Transporters_Parts&hash=item4cfb9607a7
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Yes thats the hardest part I think making the bearing holder to fit the bearings with the bearing races. Precision engineering. If he does do it theres ££ to be made there.
As the size might not be standard or odd, A lathe would probably be needed to skim it thinner etc. I could probably find the right sizes hunting in a scrapyard for a few hours. But then I don't have anything to cut precisely square .
My welding isn't bad, I have a 100a mig. But I have access to like a 230a Mig. So plan in tack it up with mine then take it to be welded at my mates with his higher power mig.
Tbh being so skint I think I will have a go at making my own bumper too. Been looking online and inspired me.