Rear tail lights

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
hi there guys, can anyone tell me if the rear tail lights in the bumper have a fuse.
i had a blown side light bulb and took the lamp off, i replaced it and as soon as i put the bulb in the other one either blew (or the fuse if there is one).
any help would be of use, but it may be easier to take the other side light bulb out and check it lolol
My back lights live in a world of their own. I've got all of them working all the time:lol
Loom failures, earth probs etc.
Check the second connector things as this seems the usual culprit.
Dash lights.................dimmer turned down:augie
Ignition key fail:augie
10 amp fuse gone on fuse board
once this blows it takes down the rear tail lights, rear number plate lights and the whole of the dash clocks lighting.
sorted now :thumbs
i used to have a renault espace, a 5 amp fuse went and took out main beam on drivers side back light on pasenger side and a brake light took me ages to figure out it was the fuse that hade gone because none of the lights seemed to be related to each other, now if i get more than one light out at the same time i check all fuses
well a lesson learned, i was thinking something had shorted out, so i was looking for a short!
i didnt even think to check the fuse, but thankfully something told me to in my head:clap