Rewired my trailer light socket today after having a few probs showing a bad earth, found there is an 8 way connector joining the rear light clusters harness to the car behind the left rear light, although mine had horrible scotch locks in the wiring, the car 8 way connector was the problem, after struggling to part it found it was heavily corroded and green inside. Chopped it out and all the scotch locks for the trailer electrics re-joined everything with heat shrink joiners and added another earth wire for good measure as the car lighting earth wire is very small.
Also noted that there is only one feed to the 2 rear sidelights & 2 number plate lights, the 2 trailer socket sidelight wires were also joined in to this one small wire.
I think I will run another feed to the back and pop a relay in for the trailer side lights in the near future.
If your T2 has the same wiring as mine then as I have said above there is only one feed to the side lights and number plate lights. Are your number plate lights working? If you don’t have any power to the sidelight and the other light is working then there must be a problem where the live wire splits in the harness behind the bumper, if your number plate lights aren’t working as well then it must be a problem further to the left.
Incidentally the sidelight live wire on mine is red with a stripe either a black stripe or a blue one cant remember of hand, all the greeny coloured wires were the indicator wires. Black is the earth.