really funny

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Ah, Tissington Ford, many a happy hour spent splashing in this particular spot in the Dales :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Your right Flyod500b
I missed it too, We used to tell our kids that if the ice cream man rang his bell then that meant he had sold out!,
Mind you that was in South Wales, Think it was Tonybell then!.

Site running a lot quicker now we have had a tidy up.

Something i missed since we cleared the rubbish off the data base.

What a prick.That will be 2 more people with a reason to hate 4x4s.
sorry but somtimes your look at life is not funny this is not a good joke.

Would You find it funny if you were sitting with your children enjoying an ice cream and a land rover splashed you. :smile:

Just calm down :wink:
to be fair i wouldnt have sat next to a ford, and i doubt weather any of you would either.

if it was not some old git in a landy it would have been some spotty kid in a corsa

i thought the laugh was the funniest bit. and the fact someone who sounds like they are in there sixties was actually childish enough to film it then post on youtube

i think they probably got off quite lightly as the car was going the wrong way to throw all the water at the lovely people sitting there