Re-index Torsion Bars - How to do it

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hammer and screw driver pops the circlips off, as you look to the front of the truck, turn it so the arms stick out more
remember only turn it one spline two at the most you want it so when you tighten it all back the arms are level with the xmember
Never swap over a torsion bar that has been on the other side of the car, as they will snap.

Old torsion bars have been wound up in one direction, undoing the tension ie twisting them the opposite way and they will fracture.:doh
Never swap over a torsion bar that has been on the other side of the car, as they will snap.

Old torsion bars have been wound up in one direction, undoing the tension ie twisting them the opposite way and they will fracture.:doh

no one mentioned swapping torsion bars
No luck at all tonight :(

Got the torsion bars free in the end, removed the adjustment bolt, remove circlip, jack up wishbones and then pull the torsion bars out, I turned them 2 splines in the correct direction but when I tried to re-insert the bolt it was too short :(

Do I need longer bolts? If so has anyone ever done this and where can I get them from?

So I've had to put the torsion bars back in on the best spline I could that would allow the bolt to go back in and tightened it up as far as it would go, dropped the car off the jack and it was still at the same height :doh:doh:doh

So a wasted evening of sorts but at least I know how to do it now and more importantly I understand it in my mind which is the main thing lol
No luck at all tonight :(

Got the torsion bars free in the end, removed the adjustment bolt, remove circlip, jack up wishbones and then pull the torsion bars out, I turned them 2 splines in the correct direction but when I tried to re-insert the bolt it was too short :(

Do I need longer bolts? If so has anyone ever done this and where can I get them from?

So I've had to put the torsion bars back in on the best spline I could that would allow the bolt to go back in and tightened it up as far as it would go, dropped the car off the jack and it was still at the same height :doh:doh:doh

So a wasted evening of sorts but at least I know how to do it now and more importantly I understand it in my mind which is the main thing lol
if u jacked up the wishbone more or lowered it more would the make the lever (ancor arm ) in the right place to get a nut on the bolt:nenau
lower the wishbone it will raise the arm so you can get the bolt back in

Didn't make any difference at all, the arm was still protruding and wouldn't go anywhere near where the bolt was supposed to go through :(

What I dont understand it how you've got so much thread on this pic and whats all the gubbins under the bolts as I didn't have any of this

I just had a semisphere piece of metal with a flat top that the bolt comes through that sat in that rubber cup
Didn't make any difference at all, the arm was still protruding and wouldn't go anywhere near where the bolt was supposed to go through :(

What I dont understand it how you've got so much thread on this pic and whats all the gubbins under the bolts as I didn't have any of this

I just had a semisphere piece of metal with a flat top that the bolt comes through that sat in that rubber cup

the gubins are washers because the sphere fell through, either way its the wishbone did u try raising it? i cant remember which way makes the arm move but one of them does, i need to reindex the ones on my new truck so if you haven't done it ny then i'll do another write up as i do it with better more detailed pics
the gubins are washers because the sphere fell through, either way its the wishbone did u try raising it? i cant remember which way makes the arm move but one of them does, i need to reindex the ones on my new truck so if you haven't done it ny then i'll do another write up as i do it with better more detailed pics

That would be awesome if you could mate :D

Particularly step by step pics of when you pull the bar out and at that point what you have jacked up and where etc etc

I get how it works now but can't see how I was doing anything wrong :S, I probably was though as is always the way
Just to ask, and I am sure it is a silly question, but why did you go for 2 splines, rather than just the one? Surely then the bolt would have reached.
Just to ask, and I am sure it is a silly question, but why did you go for 2 splines, rather than just the one? Surely then the bolt would have reached.

It didn't even reach with the one spline according to where i scored the bar I had to put it back in on the same spline, I'm starting to wonder if it's been re-indexed before

Could failing shocks on the front cause it to sag low? and therefore make no difference on the re-indexing? As my ride quality is poor at the front, I feel everything
no one mentioned swapping torsion bars

I know they didn't...:doh

But it was a great opportunity to mention this, as some people could have used this thread to help them remove one, and replace one.
I have mentioned this before on that particular topic, but not everyone will be able to locate that thread when required.
I will also mention it again too, if the opportunity presents it's self.

So in my opinion, since it was related I saw the need to mention it as it supplements the thread and affects safety.

Some could have decided to swap them over thinking it may help, or even mixed them up on the bench, without thought to the safety aspect.

So I hope you now agree with the reason for my post.:thumb2:thumb2

It's a bit like advising people to slacken the filler plug on the gear box, before draining the oil, or have a spray with water in, if messing with brake fluid in case of spills, or having a fire extinguisher handy when welding, or use axle stands to support a vehicle and never rely on a jack alone, or warming the engine before doing an oil change as the filter is easier to remove, and the oil comes out better.

Most are common sense, but people just need reminding now and again, especially when we all seem in a rush to get a job done.
Taking shortcuts can prove costly both in life and limb, and also property.:thumb2

Always do a risk assessment for any job, and be prepared before starting any work. This is really thinking about what the job entails, and potential anticipated problems and if you have the tools and skills to complete the job

Stay and work safe...
Could always drop by mine and ill help ya do it

That's a nice offer mate :D, I'll consider that, didn't realise we were due any snow, I'm on lates next week which isn't any good so might have to wait until the week after when I'm on earlies as I finish at 4pm then