Re-Arranged Holiday

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
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Unfortunately due to the floods we have had to re-arrange our holidays and are now going to Devon instead of Stratford-upon-Avon.
We will be staying at Twelve Oaks in Newton Abbot.

Hope the weather stays as it is today, wot a scorcher -groovy-
Cheers Jace, hope to be able to meet up some other time :smile:
is stratford flood damaged or have you decided not to risk it?
Parts of Stratford were flooded, but in the main we decided that if we went up there what would we be able to see - mostly workmen cleaning up the aftermath, not really what I call a holiday and SWMBO was afraid of the scaremongering that the media have made by saying that there was a danger of catching diseases (E Coli, Cholera and Diarrohea). 8O
So we have cancelled and spoken to the site owner who has agreed to refer our deposit for a later time, but it has to be used up before the end of season :smile:
We will be coming up for a weekend sometime in Spetember, dates to be confirmed :smile:
cant say as i blame u good theyll defer your deposit after all its no loss to them and gives them good customer satisfaction.
I've got me fingers, toes, eyes, legs and arms and everything I can think of crossed in fact I don't even know how I typed this message :eek: