Pushchairs on pavemets
Dogs on leads in crowded places
Mobility scooters - mobility scooter idiot riders !(they are not drivers because they ca'nt drive!!)
All immigration ministers from 1945 onwards.If an ex soldier from Ausie,NZ,SA,or Canada were alive today and wanted to immigrate to the UK he would be refused.However,very soon many from Turkey will be allowed to wander in and claim benefits or job seekers just like the other EU crowd.
Something terribly wrong when those with an English speaking British heritage are considered to be undesireable.Sucessive British governments have betrayed the very people they paid to emmigrate to the colonies.Those same people whose forefathers built this country along with yours and mine.Those people who were educated under the British system,are english speaking,of the Christian faith,and sang God Save The Queen every morning at school.They are not good enough for this country.Anyone from anywhere in the EU is.I say again,something wrong somewhere.!
Ok,had my rant.Shout at me if you must.