Racism in Britain today.

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this is it, sometimes the outburst is just a very basic exclamation of anger, with no meaning. I got out of that a LONG time ago (grew up in a council estate seperated from another council estate by a graveyard, one side white, the other, well, you get the idea)
my argument with the race laws is they have now got so powerfull if someone ethnic shall we say makes an allegation they will pursue it,but if you happen to be white there not interested,recently saw a welsh fella laughing with two soma;i guys all good humoured on both sides an irish fella complained about jonseys pirate joke all hell broke loose everybody called up people supended best of all the two somali guys thought the pirate bit hilarious and jonsey is now known as capt pugwash lol,but the time,money,efort investigating a non incident unbelievable!
my argument with the race laws is they have now got so powerfull if someone ethnic shall we say makes an allegation they will pursue it,but if you happen to be white there not interested,recently saw a welsh fella laughing with two soma;i guys all good humoured on both sides an irish fella complained about jonseys pirate joke all hell broke loose everybody called up people supended best of all the two somali guys thought the pirate bit hilarious and jonsey is now known as capt pugwash lol,but the time,money,efort investigating a non incident unbelievable!

what was the pirate joke then? repeatable?
it werent really a joke it was just the calling the somali guys pirates more of a jokey comment they were fine with it yet the stoopid irish fella reported a racist comment and the sky fell in lol! the end result after about 3 weeks of investigating .......bugger all a susgestion that pirate wasnt realy and apropiate comment!
racism between black people is quite funny i think lol

they call each other nigger etc but then when your kids say it to them they get funny about it, my daughters dad was saying it over the phone and she picked up on it then my son picked up on it and asked him what it was shold have seen his face :lol
it werent really a joke it was just the calling the somali guys pirates more of a jokey comment they were fine with it yet the stoopid irish fella reported a racist comment and the sky fell in lol! the end result after about 3 weeks of investigating .......bugger all a susgestion that pirate wasnt realy and apropiate comment!

ah with you now. yeah I agree its all got a bit out of hand with nonsense like that.
i would have understood if the sommali fellas felt upset but for the irish fella to go say sommat seened pathectic lol
these peoples been on recieving end of racisym but are they now being racist?
you have to admit there right about keeping there kids safe from drug dealers etc but is this gonna stand em in good sted for the future,especialy as new government has told councils they do not have to provide safe places for them! is that not racist in itself? and creating more problems as these people will have to stay somewhere,my mrs had a brillant answer she was going to buy a field get planning for touring caravan park,trouble is you can only stay (legally) 28 days no problem you buy the field next door and do same and they can move from yours to mine! bloody hell i thought where did thaty idea come from lol!
these peoples been on recieving end of racisym but are they now being racist?
you have to admit there right about keeping there kids safe from drug dealers etc but is this gonna stand em in good sted for the future,especialy as new government has told councils they do not have to provide safe places for them! is that not racist in itself? and creating more problems as these people will have to stay somewhere,my mrs had a brillant answer she was going to buy a field get planning for touring caravan park,trouble is you can only stay (legally) 28 days no problem you buy the field next door and do same and they can move from yours to mine! bloody hell i thought where did thaty idea come from lol!

this is such a complicated issue Jace it's beyond the scope of a thread like this, or even a forum like this. These programs were both disappointing, as they were mostly edited to show the people featured in a bad light. And hugely encouraging, as they only feature Irish Traveler's an prove that some Traveler's cultures are still beyond the reach of the media ;)
I've been called worse than a 'tit' before and I'm sure i will be again.

I think these threads are informative, entertaining, and valuable - because!

If you banned racists, it would just give them an excuse for moaning about 'P.C, gone mad' etc. etc.and then they would never get to see an alternative point of view.

I am sorry Larson has gone (if he has gone) maybe he was jest having a bad day and this was a bit too intense for him? As i must admit, some of the contributers are old hands at this, and as friends on and off this site feel more able to say what they think, knowing each others 'tolerance level'

for example, if Jace called me a 'fat tosser' i would just laugh and call him one back - but some people might find it offensive :lol
hell, what have missed off line couple of days backing up my data online
pre restore!

think names can be divisive?

part of many problems is the term paki, when used for anyone from asian

historically, i believe pakistan was part of india, then gained independence.

paskistaniis may be generally muslim though not 100%, just as indians might
be sikh or other.

guess bit like a brit being called a frog or a crout, even french or german
you'd likely take offence...

now combine with f'ing what ever, and its all going down hill faster than

best approach do as you would be done to.

I think, a lot of Pakistani people have an issue with the term P*ki for a whole other reason, which i will expand on by PM but I'm not going to give out any ammunition for people to abuse them further. :thumbs
have to agree, was frankly extreme titilation, and probably put understanding back

But put it in context; it was probably a good portrayal of the irish traveller community, even if it was onloy the tip of the iceberg so to speak :augie....but in all honesty, who on earth is likely to encounter a genuine Roma on the road in this day and age?

My point being, I'm not sure what the scale of any setback is TBH?